Harris Goes After Trump On Economy And Inflation Or Something

It’s not often that a politics article gives me a good laugh. I’m not sure how Politico writer Adam Cancryn could write this. He must be a Believer

Harris goes after Trump on economy and inflation in new ad

Vice President Kamala Harris is trying to make up ground with voters who still give former President Donald Trump an edge on the economy, airing a new ad this week that attempts to go on offense on inflation.

The ad, titled “Everyday” and first shared with POLITICO, features clips of Harris’ speech earlier this month in North Carolina, where she unveiled a series of proposals aimed at making housing more affordable, targeting corporations over price gouging and expanding a tax credit for families.

“Prices are still too high,” Harris said. “I will be laser-focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that advance their economic security, stability and dignity.”

The spot, which will start running on Tuesday, is part of a $150 million ad blitz targeted at battleground states surrounding last week’s Democratic convention, and the second in the last few days to focus on cutting costs and taxes. An earlier 30-second ad made only broad references to bolstering the middle class; this newest, one-minute one outlines Harris’ main focus areas, while also attacking Trump by name as siding with “billionaires and large corporations.”

Shame Adam failed to mention

Where was her laser focus the past 3 1/2 years? Also at Politico

Hill Dems try to tamp down backlash to Harris’ grocery price gouging pitch

Under pressure to defend Kamala Harris’ grocery price gouging plan, some Democratic lawmakers are delivering a quiet message to anxious allies: Don’t worry about the details. It’s never going to pass Congress.

The Harris campaign’s proposal, unveiled as part of her first big economic policy speech, has become a focal point for her presidential rival, Donald Trump, and fellow Republicans, who claim she’s pushing “communist price controls.” It has also alarmed food industry officials and even some left-of-center economists, who’ve warned such policies can hurt more than they help.

A lot of Democrats, particularly those who are not wacko leftists, and have to deal with tough re-election campaigns, know that this policy, which Harris is still pushing (I heard the commercial here in Raleigh yesterday or today), is really bad for them, and they do not want to hitch their wagon to something being called a communist policy.

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One thought on “Harris Goes After Trump On Economy And Inflation Or Something

  1. Comrade Harris’s father was literally a professor of Marxian economics. She’s a total Red-Diaper Baby. I doubt that her handlers are going to be able to get her to shut up about gov’t control of the economy. She is a not-smart Post Turtle and out of her depth, so I can picture her stubbornly resisting attempts to downplay the one area that she feels confident in, having learned it as a child from an expert she trusts.

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