Harris Gives Complete Babble When Ask On How Something Becomes Law

So, Cackles sat down on the All Smoke Podcast and was given complete softballs, as expected, and this is what happens when someone who thinks they’re brilliant overthink an answer to an easy peasy question, especially after being in the US Senate and then being Vice President. This is the word salad of word salad

(Breitbart) I believe that the best way the system works is when the power is with the people, to then advocate for their [sic] and have their needs met. So that’s the big macro stepping back, right? One of the ways the system works to do that—that the system should work to do that, is we have elected representation who represent the people in these state legislatures, which is where laws get passed. Or in Congress, which is where the federal laws get passed. And for the system to work the right way, legislators, these members of the state legislature, let’s say it’s a state senator, state assemblymember, or your congressman or your United States Senator, will meet with and they’ll have ways of receiving information from the people about what they want. I think it’s really important always that we know our power to organize around what we need, and sometimes that will take the form of writing letters, sometimes it will take the form of mass protests to make sure the voice of the people is heard by their representative leaders who then have as their responsibility to write up some legislation that meets the needs of the people. And then when they write that up, they take a vote in their body, if it’s a statehouse or Congress, and if the majority of the people there agree with it, it becomes a law. So that’s how it’s supposed to work, and I mean it does connect to what we were talking about earlier which is then reminding folks they have a right and a right to expect that their leaders will hear them and take seriously their needs.

Seriously, I read it, so, you have to. It’s painful. The question was literally “Explain how a bill becomes a law.” We all learned this on Schoolhouse Rock, right? Kamala is of an age where should would have seen this on TV.

It gets even worse when you listen and watch. The absurd hand movements and eyes looking around, like a bad TikToker. And the hosts look like they are sorry they asked.

And, elsewhere, in case you missed Kamala’s big call

She’s written nothing on the paper, and the headphones are not plugged in. And, unless she has an iPhone 6, anything after doesn’t take a wired headphone.

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