Hamas Supporting Students Call For End Of United States

Those in the know have long ago learned that all these Muslim student organizations are simply props for the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic extremists, and taught the college kiddies all about diversity, multiculturalism, and Islamophobia, meaning that no one can condemn hardcore Islam, no one can criticize it, or offer anything negative that shows the issues, with the ultimate goal of eradicating Western nations. About that

This was from the National Students for Justice in Palestine, a Muslim Brotherhood linked group, full of lots of people who back Islamic terrorist groups. Heck, this 6 year old book will tell you everything you need to know about these terrorists. They want to eradicate America, and will do it through violence if necessary. They want to replace it with an Islamic caliphate. Why are we allowing so many of these students who are not natural born Americans to remain in the nation?


VCU students upset with demonstration policy changes

VCU students oppose new university policies, arguing that two changes were made without student input.

Anyone on campus wearing a facemask or hood must show their identification. Also being impacted is how and where students can protest.

“VCU decided to take the smallest form of expression and repress us,” said Sereen Haddad, the organizer of Wednesday’s walkout, a part of Students for Justice in Palestine group.

Yeah, well, if you don’t like it, head back to your Islamic extremist nation. And why would students get a say?

At the University of North Carolina, Teachers Attack Israel with the Lie of ‘Genocide’ and Students Threaten Violence

The 2024-25 school year has recently begun at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), where faculty members and students are continuing their anti-Israel activism and indoctrination.

In an email promoting a Sept. 6 event titled “Teach Palestine,” Nadia Yaqub — Professor in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies — wrote to her fellow UNC academics: “As the genocide against the people of Gaza continues, many of us feel we cannot proceed with our teaching as if nothing is going on.”

The event flier asks, “Are you concerned by the ongoing genocide in Gaza? Are you looking for ways to bring Gaza or Palestine/Palestinians in general into your courses?”

The non-Islamist supporters at UNC just want to learn the courses that they paid for.

And it continues across the country, with dumbass non-Islamists being brainwashed into hating Israel and Jews while learning to support Hamas and other terrorist groups.

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