Hamas really don’t want a ceasefire; they’re still trying for some sort of victory

The psychopath Yahya Sinwar. You can see the crazy in his eyes.

The continual calls for an Israel-Hamas ‘ceasefire’ are ridiculous: Israel’s policy should be a demand for unconditional surrender. That worked for the Allies during World War II, the last war that we actually won.

Top US diplomat says Hamas is moving the goalposts on a cease-fire

by Grace Eliza Goodwin, Business Insider | Wednesday, June 12, 2024

  • Hamas wants to change the terms of a US-backed ceasefire proposal, says Antony Blinken.
  • Israel has already accepted the deal, but Hamas is holding out.
  • Negotiations continue, but Blinken says he’s starting to question if Hamas is acting in “good faith.”

The US-led plan for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza has hit another stumbling block — and the US says Hamas is to blame.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the militant group has made new demands, moving the goalposts on a proposed cease-fire to end the 8-month-long war.

Blinken told reporters from Doha on Wednesday that Hamas has not agreed to a US-backed ceasefire proposal because it wants to make “numerous changes,” despite the deal being “virtually identical” to one Hamas had previously accepted.

Blinken said Israel has already accepted the deal, and that while “Hamas could have answered with a single word: yes,” it has not.

“Instead, Hamas waited nearly two weeks and then proposed more changes, a number of which go beyond positions it had previously taken and accepted,” Blinken continued.

Blinken did not specify what aspects of the deal Hamas wanted to change, but a source familiar with the matter told CNN that Hamas’s response, which was submitted to Qatari mediators, includes establishing a timeline for a permanent ceasefire and for Israel to completely withdraw its forces from Gaza.

There’s more at the original, but it all ties in with the CNN story which tells us what we already knew: Hamas are run by psychopaths, and Yahya Sinwar is the most psychotic of the psychopaths!

Hamas leader said civilian death toll could benefit militant group in Gaza war, WSJ reports

By Mostafa Salem and Kylie Atwood, CNN | Tuesday, June 11, 2024 | 11:49 AM EDT

The military leader of Hamas has said he believes he has gained the upper hand over Israel and that the spiraling civilian death toll in Gaza would work in the militant group’s favor, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal, citing leaked messages the newspaper said it had seen.

“We have the Israelis right where we want them,” Yahya Sinwar told other Hamas leaders recently, according to one of the messages, the WSJ reported Monday. In another, Sinwar is said to have described civilian deaths as “necessary sacrifices” while citing past independence-related conflicts in countries like Algeria.

The WSJ said it reviewed dozens of messages sent to ceasefire negotiators from Sinwar, who has not been seen in public since Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel left 1,200 people dead and another 250 taken hostage. The ensuing Israeli assault aimed at eliminating the group has killed more than 37,000 Palestinians in the strip, according to health authorities there.

Sinwar’s whereabouts are unknown but he is assumed to be hiding deep underground in Hamas’ labyrinthine tunnel system below Gaza. The messages reported by the WSJ offer a rare glimpse into the mind of the man steering Hamas’ thinking on the war and suggest an uncompromising determination to continue fighting, regardless of the human cost.

In another exchange that took place as Israel set a deadline in February to enter Rafah before the Muslim month of Ramadan, the WSJ reported that Sinwar urged Hamas’ political leaders not to make concessions and instead push for a permanent end to the war, adding that high civilian casualties would ramp up global pressure on Israel to halt the conflict.

“Israel’s journey in Rafah won’t be a walk in the park,” Sinwar allegedly said in a message to the Hamas political leadership.

The New York Times reported, a month ago, that Mr Sinwar was the primary force between the October 7th terrorist attack that started this whole war, and that even though he is not the top dog in Hamas, any ceasefire is contingent upon his agreement. The Times said:

But in Hamas’s calculus, the deaths of many Palestinian civilians — who do not have access to Hamas’s subterranean tunnels — were the necessary cost of upending the status quo with Israel.

American and Israeli intelligence agencies have spent months assessing Mr. Sinwar’s motivations, according to people briefed on the intelligence. Analysts in both the United States and Israel believe that Mr. Sinwar is primarily motivated by a desire to take revenge on Israel and weaken it. The well-being of the Palestinian people or the establishment of a Palestinian state, the intelligence analysts say, appears to be secondary.

Hamas in general, and Mr Sinwar in particular, are counting on mounting ‘Palestinian’ deaths offending the sensibilities of civilized Westerners, and, being barbarians and unconcerned about those deaths themselves, they see those increasing deaths as incremental pressure on the decadent West to push Israel to accept something less than complete victory.

This is what Secretary of State Blinken doesn’t seem to understand. The Hamas leadership do not really want a ‘ceasefire,’ because a ‘ceasefire’ eliminates the pressure on Israel.

But there’s more. Other than firing a few rockets toward Israel, Hamas are not shooting at Israel because they can’t shoot at Israel. The only ‘ceasefire’ will be if the Israel Defense Force stops attacking Hamas, and that means that Hamas are not in any position to make demands about conditions for the IDF to stop shooting at them.

The best solution is the most radical one. Israel has physical control of the border fence between Gaza and Egypt, and should open the gates, and force every last Arab out of Gaza, and into Egypt. From there, the ‘Palestinians’ can go where they will, other than into Israel, including Judea and Samaria. Make them resettle in Egypt or Jordan or any other Arab/Muslim country, but get them out of Israel!

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