I was somewhat pleased when April 22nd was declared to be Earth Day, being as that is my birthday.
Yes, I know: that makes me full of Taurus!
It was, of course, many years later that I learned about Ira Einhorn, one of the ‘founders’ of Earth Day, was a stone-cold killer:
Ira Einhorn was on stage hosting the first Earth Day event at the Fairmount Park in Philadelphia on April 22, 1970. Seven years later, police raided his closet and found the “composted” body of his ex-girlfriend inside a trunk.
A self-proclaimed environmental activist, Einhorn made a name for himself among ecological groups during the 1960s and ’70s by taking on the role of a tie-dye-wearing ecological guru and Philadelphia’s head hippie. With his long beard and gap-toothed smile, Einhorn — who nicknamed himself “Unicorn” because his German-Jewish last name translates to “one horn” —advocated flower power, peace and free love to his fellow students at the University of Pennsylvania. He also claimed to have helped found Earth Day.
But the charismatic spokesman who helped bring awareness to environmental issues and preached against the Vietnam War — and any violence — had a secret dark side. When his girlfriend of five years, Helen “Holly” Maddux, moved to New York and broke up with him, Einhorn threatened that he would throw her left-behind personal belongings onto the street if she didn’t come back to pick them up.
And so on Sept. 9, 1977, Maddux went back to the apartment that she and Einhorn had shared in Philadelphia to collect her things, and was never seen again. When Philadelphia police questioned Einhorn about her mysterious disappearance several weeks later, he claimed that she had gone out to the neighborhood co-op to buy some tofu and sprouts and never returned.
It wasn’t until 18 months later that investigators searched Einhorn’s apartment after one of his neighbors complained that a reddish-brown, foul-smelling liquid was leaking from the ceiling directly below Einhorn’s bedroom closet. Inside the closet, police found Maddux’s beaten and partially mummified body stuffed into a trunk that had also been packed with Styrofoam, air fresheners and newspapers.
Mr Einhorn managed to flee justice, and wasn’t extradited from France until 2002. Nevertheless, he eventually was returned to the United States, tried and convicted in Pennsylvania, and sentenced to life without parole. Mr Einhorn took the stand in his own defense, and claimed that Miss Maddux was murdered by CIA agents who were attempting to frame him due to his investigations into the Cold War and “psychotronics”. He was sentenced to prison in October of 2002, and went to his eternal reward on April 3, 2020, dying of natural causes at the age of 79.
But, I digress. I have to wonder, on this Earth Day, just what the hard-core global warming climate change activists have been doing to reduce their own ‘carbon footprints’? We have President Biden’s ‘climate envoy,’ former Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry, using his family’s private jet, a Gulfstream G-IV private jet, with registration N57HJ, to travel all over the globe, to tell the rest of us to cut our CO2 emissions.
Of course, it’s up to us little people to bear the burdens of reducing our carbon footprints.
And so I do! Oh, it isn’t because I am worried about
global warming climate change, but because I like saving a few pennies on my electric bill, and Mrs Pico has stated that she prefers it when the bedding has been dried outside, on the clothesline, for the fresh smell, rather than in the electric dryer. And so it is that when I buy light bulbs, I but the LED bulbs, not because I’m worried about the environment, but because they use less sparktricity and illuminate with little radiated heat.
There are many little things that people can do, and they needn’t be tied up in activism or worry about what other people have done, or in insisting that Other People follow mandatory rules and buy plug-in electric vehicles. But it sure would be nice if some of the activists told us just what they have done, what sacrifices they have made.
Happy Dirt Day
Знаменательно ли то, что я разделяю день рождения с Владимиром Лениным? Примечательно ли, что День Земли приходится на день рождения Ленина?
No 2 Он идеально вписывается в их умы.
Вот как я это вижу. Ира Эйнхорн была человеком, который начал праздник.
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How are we to solve problems when self-proclaimed experts willfully refuse to communicate openly about the root causes of them? That extant, virtually irrefutable, heretofore uncontested, sound ecological science of human population dynamics is ubiquitously denied by professional researchers with appropriate expertise, is tantamount to criminal negligence against science and humanity. Please examine the following research,
There is a problem to which I would like to draw attention, a problem that has not been sufficiently examined. At least that is the way things appear now, after two decades of stony silence. The prevailing opinion that the food supply needs to be continuously increased to feed a growing human population happens to be what The Powers That Be, economists, demographers and ideologically driven scientists would describe as an ideologically correct, economically expedient, politically convenient, socially suitable, religiously tolerable, culturally prescribed, ‘scientific’ perspective. Even the UN has adopted this point of view. But such a perspective is pseudoscientific and wrong. At best it is evidence preternatural thought, theory and modelling.
Virtually irrefutable, heretofore uncontested science directly contradicts this long-held misrepresentation of what could somehow be real with regard both to the conditions of being human and to the way the world we are blessed inhabit actually works. A fateful misunderstanding has come to be regarded as ‘truth’. A critical misperception, or faulty impression, or misguided conception or perhaps a fatally flawed misinterpretation of data has given rise to a widely shared and consensually validated delusion, one of the most perfected delusions humanity presently holds.
Let us expand our scope of observation to the species level. We can observe that food is the independent (not dependent) variable in the relationship between food and population growth and as well, it becomes more likely to perceive what the ecological science of human population dynamics is simply and clearly indicating to us: annually increasing the food supply for human consumption is unexpectedly producing a human population explosion.
Perhaps we can share a more accurate and fulsome understanding of what is happening on our watch. By so doing, it could become possible for us to recognize why this apparently unforeseen and unfortunately unwelcome scientific evidence has been ubiquitously denied for so long. A vast majority of people evidently accept certain delusional thinking because many too many people appear to idolize the artificially designed, haphazardly constructed, manmade global political economy — a leviathan-like construction — that is buttressed by upside-down thinking which leads to the continuous, seemingly endless expansion of the food production and distribution capabilities. And yet annual food supply increases and abundant harvests are not resulting in the growing human population being fed, as anyone might expect in 2021. To the contrary, every year more people are being fed and more people are going hungry and starving.
Can we imagine how the economic colossus could be preemptively reorganized in a protective response to an avoidable and foreseeable global economic and/or ecologic wreckage? Initial steps toward such an economic transition would begin with more fairly and equitably redistributing abundant harvests so that the members of the human community receive substantial sustenance, along with the implementation of a planful program based upon conscious, careful, deliberate and skillful human activity that limits increases only in total annual food production for human consumption, lest nature’s full force take charge of this soon to become unsustainable situation.
Endless growth of the human food supply will certainly end eventually, as it must because the colossal current scale and rate of growth is patently unsustainable on a planet with the size, composition and frangible ecology of Earth. The Powers That Be, economists, demographers, politicians, ideologically driven scientists, and all their sycophants and minions in the mainstream media promote (by speaking out loudly and often or by remaining electively mute in silence) the “Big Lie” that there is no alternative to growing the global political economy ad infinitum in a finite world. To do otherwise would in all likelihood put at risk their vested interests that the status quo serves to protect. Unbridled overproduction, overconsumption and overpopulation activities by the human species are occurring synergistically and the accumulated effects of global food overproduction are per capita overconsumption, overpopulation and the current ecological/climate emergency.
Based on virtual mountains of scientific research, the elders’ locked-step support for the present form and function of a perpetual motion construction called the global political economy is soon to become unmaintainable. Leading elders of the human community are directing their children down a primrose path. Perhaps necessary behavioral changes are in the offing toward redistributing more fairly and equitably abundant harvests; providing universal male and female contraception/sterilization; limiting increases only in total food production; adjusting to simpler, healthier lifestyles; and re-imagining the conduct of right-sized corporations in a world they willfully pollute and ravage without accepting responsibility.
Out of necessity, humankind will find an alternative to wealth accumulation through endless economic growth as an objective for human existence. What do you imagine that objective could be?
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