Cutting off their noses to spite Elon Musk’s face

My good friend William Teach quoted a global warming climate quack:

Fortunately, lawsuits are moving forward in states from Hawaii and Montana to New York and Vermont to hold corporate actors accountable, seeking millions or billions of dollars to pay for damages caused by climate change. These cases include a Feb. 24 lawsuit filed by farmers against the U.S. Department of Agriculture for deleting vital climate data from their website.

It’s time for every corporate polluter to be held accountable in court. If federal officials are derelict in their duty to protect us, then governors, legislators, pressure groups and citizens must take up the slack. The planet won’t survive four more years of climate-denying policies.

And if those lawsuits are won? It means that ordinary Americans will be paying far higher prices, because corporations simply pass on all costs of doing business. They have to, or they quickly go broke.

In the meantime, our good friends on the left have been trashing Tesla dealerships, charging stations, and Teslas seen in public. The global warming climate quacks want us to get rid of the infernal combustion engine and all drive plug-in electric vehicles — assuming, of course, we’d be allowed to have personal vehicles, rather than be forced into public transportation — but the singular most popular and best EVs are Teslas. The other EV manufacturers are well behind Tesla in technology and engineering expertise for EVs, so they’re cutting off their own ugly noses to spite Elon Musk’s face.

Vandalizing or destroying Tesla charging stations and the ‘mostly peaceful protesters’ are encouraging people to stay with gasoline-powered cars! This site has previously reported on the Biden Administration’s plans to get half a million commercial electric vehicle charging stations built by 2030, but we also noted that even the EV-supporting Washington Post reported that very few had actually been built.

We also pointed out a Wall Street Journal report that private investors were getting out of companies that build such stations, not seeing them as being able to generate much profit, and this was well before the last election, when the policies of former President Biden — and I do so love being able to refer to him as former President Biden! — pushing electric vehicles were still firmly in place, and it looked as though the Democrats might be able to disqualify or even imprison Donald Trump, to prevent his being able to run for election. Of course, they failed in that, and the newly inaugurated President Trump then cancelled Mr Biden’s EV mandates, and is seeking to end the $7,500 tax credit for buying an EV.

These are all good things! If someone wants to buy an electric vehicle, that’s fine with me; that would and should be his personal choice. The notion that the government should take the tax dollars of millions of Americans to make it easier for other people to buy EVs is repugnant.

The left have all been screaming that President Trump is a terrible, terrible fascist, but it has been Mr Trump ending policies which would force more and more Americans into government-mandated behavior, and taking away people’s individual choices. Today’s left are pro-choice on exactly one thing.

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