Thanks to a tweet from Christine Flowers, I found this gem from WHYY, the National Public Radio and Public Broadcasting System stations for the Philadelphia area.
By Emily Rizzo | Updated: Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 8:28 PM EDT
Administrators at Central Bucks West High School have introduced a new “Gender Identification Procedure” that many teachers say is discriminatory against LGBTQ students.
Teachers say they were told to not use a student’s preferred name or pronoun if it does not match with the information in the school’s database. They say they were told to inform school counselors about any student who requests a different name or pronoun. School counselors would then arrange a conversation with the student’s parents or guardians so they could approve their student’s name and/or pronoun change.
Let’s tell the truth here: while the Central Bucks (County) West School Board, which we have mentioned several times previously, appears to be at least somewhat conservatively oriented, in this they are protecting the School District. By setting up a system under which parents can ‘opt in’ to allowing their memtally ill ‘transgendered’ students to be identified by their ‘preferred’ names and pronouns, the District is also setting up a policy which allows parents to choose not to go along with that silliness, and thus protect the District from being sued into penury.
Though not mentioned in the article, if teachers are required to use the preferred names and pronouns listed in the school’s database, it would seem to also require teachers who disagree with the notion that people can change their sex to use the names and pronouns in the school’s database if the parents agree to the changes.
It’s easy to foresee problems here: what happens when the parents, especially divorced or divorcing parents using their kids as a weapon against each other, disagree? Eventually this will arise, whether in Central Bucks West or elsewhere.
But here’s where the problems really arise:
Administrators introduced the procedure at a faculty meeting six days into the school year; teachers said administrators cited protecting parents’ rights as the reason. Four teachers told WHYY News about the meeting and the unprecedented pushback from educators.
“A lot of us are distraught,” said Becky Cartee-Haring, who has taught English at Central Bucks West for 16 years.
“I physically felt sick in that meeting, listening to an administrator basically argue that we were going to protect ourselves by outting children … it’s heart wrenching … It’s just cruel.”
Teachers said administrators told them they have to follow parents’ or guardians’ wishes if they differ from a student’s.
“What the children wanted was completely irrelevant,” said David Klein, who has been teaching social studies at Central Bucks West for 26 years.
Klein said he’s not going to follow the new procedure.
“There’s no way I’m hurting a kid. Hell no. I cannot be complicit in harming children,” Klein said, raising his voice. “And I said this in the meeting … this is the most at-risk marginalized group of students, they need our support more than anyone else. No! Kid says, ‘Call me Tony,’ I’m calling them Tony!”
Klein and other teachers are unwilling to “deadname” a student in front of their peers, parents, or other school staff.
“Deadnaming” means to call Bruce Jenner, Bruce Jenner, and not his made up name “Caitlyn”. “Misgendering” means, to the left, referring to a ‘transgendered’ person by his real sex, not the one he claims to be.
Klein said even if he faces a parent who does not want their child to be called a name that the child prefers, he will continue to prioritize the student.
It would seem that Mr Klein has decided that he knows better than the parents how to rear their children. He’s certainly allowed to think that — we cannot penalize someone for their thoughts — but if he acts in the manner implied by his statement, and refers to the ‘transgendered’ student in variance with what the parents have specified, he will have personally opened the District, and himself personally, to a humongous lawsuit, a lawsuit they would very much deserve to lose. The public schools can’t even give students an over-the-counter medication without the consent of the parents; the idea that they could enable and reinforce ‘transgenderism’ without the parents’ consent is monstrous.
“My job is to educate your kids, to prepare them for the future, to make them feel safe, period. That’s my calling. Pardon me,” Klein said, choking up. “I’m calling you Tony because you need to feel safe in my classroom. How else are you going to learn? And if they want to fire me, that’s their business.”
Does Mr Klein believe that his “calling” outweighs the rights and responsibility of parents?
There’s more of the same kind of thing, from other teachers, at the original, but it’s pretty much more of the same, teachers who believe that they Know Better how to rear other people’s children.
The left have long insisted on body cameras for police officers, and there’s certainly a reasonable case to be made for that. Body cams exonerate cops far more often than they record bad behavior by officers. Well, we obviously need cameras in public school classrooms as well, but, of course, the teachers’ unions oppose that.
Why? It’s difficult to come to any conclusion other than they are afraid that recording what they teach will expose bad behavior on their part, and, at least in the Central Bucks case, would reveal them failing to honor the District’s policies.
We have compulsory school attendance in every state of the union, so our children are ordered, by the state, to attend school, and the vast majority of parents don’t have the ability to send their kids to private or parochial schools. Thus, we must have accountability, must demand accountability of the teachers who are put in charge of our children, accountability to prevent them from undermining parents. The Central Bucks School District is starting along the right path, but more needs to be done to ensure that parents’ guidance is not undermined by teachers.