Hold them accountable! When will we hold those who have enabled illegal immigration accountable for the violent crimes some illegals have committed?

Joel Quintana-Dominguez

That thing that never happens happened again! Another poor, hard-working, only-wanted-to-better-himself-and-his-family, illegal immigrant has been charged with serious crimes.

‘Disgusted and sickened’: Man accused of trying to flee country after sexually assaulting child in Shelby Twp.

By Jessica Dupnack | July 30, 2024 | 9:26 AM EDT

SHELBY TOWNSHIP, Mich. (FOX 2) – After allegedly sexually assaulting a family member numerous times, Shelby Township police say the suspect started packing up to flee the country.

Officers began investigating 32-year-old Joel Quintana-Dominguez on July 15 after learning that he may have sexually assaulted a minor who was not even a teenager yet. Continue reading

The left are aghast that President Trump is keeping his campaign promises They don't like the results of the people's democratic choice

I cannot truthfully say that I have noticed everything that the newspaper I sometimes call The Philadelphia Enquirer[1]RedState writer Mike Miller called it the Enquirer, probably by mistake, so I didn’t originate it, but, reminiscent of the National Enquirer as it is, I thought it very apt. has published on immigration, but I can truthfully state that if our nation’s third oldest continuously published daily newspaper, the winner of twenty Pulitzer Prizes, the newspaper of record for the six million plus metropolitan area, and the first newspaper I check in the morning, has ever published anything trying to help illegal immigrants get legal, I have missed it.

Instead, the newspaper has spent the last few years doing everything it could to paint Donald Trump as an irredeemable fascist and wannabe authoritarian dictator. Columnists like Helen Ubiñas and Will Bunch have hammered continually on Mr Trump, Mr Bunch especially consumed by #TrumpDerangementSyndrome, and we noted how he, a journolist[2]The spelling ‘journolist’ or ‘journolism’ comes from JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their … Continue reading who claims to support freedom of speech and of the press — hint: he really doesn’t — launched a tirade against MSNBC’s (supposed) journalists, Joe and Mike Scarborough for having gone to Mar-a-Lago and meeting with former and then-future President Trump, and conflated the President trying to keep his promise to the voters to the Nazis sending Jews to the gas chambers. The Inquirer itself reported that three percent of the residents in the city are illegal immigrants! Continue reading


1 RedState writer Mike Miller called it the Enquirer, probably by mistake, so I didn’t originate it, but, reminiscent of the National Enquirer as it is, I thought it very apt.
2 The spelling ‘journolist’ or ‘journolism’ comes from JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their objectivity. I use the term ‘journolism’ frequently when writing about media bias.

Sometimes you just have to be an [insert slang term for the rectum here] to do things right Joe Biden was a very sympathetic President . . . and that led to Donald Trump being elected again!

I check Bluesky so you don’t have to because it sometimes leads me to interesting things. I saw this skeet from The Philadelphia Inquirer’s hard-left columnist Will Bunch, which he did not post on Twitter, leading me to an article in the UK’s The Guardian.

Canada intercepts people trying to cross border in ‘incredibly cold’ conditions

Nine Venezuelans including children found by police in Alberta with a second group apprehended in Manitoba

by Leyland Cecco | Friday, February 7, 2025 | 6:30 AM EST

More than a dozen people have been caught making the hazardous crossing into Canada, renewing focus on the closely watched – and seasonally perilous – border with the United States.

Police in Alberta this week intercepted two groups attempting to cross into Canada illegally, including one which included five children who were ill-prepared for the cold which can plunge as low as -30C (-22F) at this time of year. Continue reading

Sometimes you just have to be an [insert slang term for the rectum here] to do things right "Collateral arrests" are good arrests!

The old-line newspapers only rarely publish outright lies. Rather, their bias — and they all have an editorial bias! — shows not in actual reporting, but in what they choose to report, and choose not to cover.

And so it is with The Philadelphia Enquirer. No, that’s not how it’s actually spelled, but RedState writer Mike Miller called it the Enquirer, probably by mistake, so I didn’t originate it. However, reminiscent of the National Enquirer as it is, I thought it very apt.

Well, the Inquirer, to use the proper spelling, loves them some illegal immigration, and naturally the newspaper’s website main page was filled with such stories on Sunday morning: Continue reading

Too old? Our 78-year-old President is getting things done, and done in a hurry.

The money line was actually the last paragraph:

Unlike Trump 1.0, when bureaucrats frequently ignored the administration and stymied its agenda, this time around, the lesson has been learned. Resistance is being met with immediate action. Gottlieb may very well hit the leftist podcast circuit, dining out on his reputation as a “martyr” and “truth teller,” but the lesson will not be lost on other people who aren’t anxious to follow that path.

It seems that the current Trump Administration isn’t taking disobedience by subordinates laying down, but by laying down the law: toe the line, or hit the road.

The Resistance Attempts a Coup at USAID and It Doesn’t Go Well

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President Trump is doing what the American people want him to do A clear majority want the illegal immigrants kicked out!

If illegal immigrants are now staying away from work, because they are afraid that ICE will show up, nab them, and deport them, doesn’t that mean:

  • The illegal immigrants will quickly run out of money;
  • When the illegals run out of money, they’ll quickly run out of food and shelter; which means
  • The illegals will realize that they have to leave the United States on their own, and self-deport.

How would this not be a good thing?

Philly migrants skip work, school, and shopping amid fears of ICE enforcement

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Our #FreedomOfSpeech is different from that of other countries, and we thank the Lord for that! We need to defend our freedom of speech against the left who would restrict it

What would happen to you if you tore up and burned a copy of the Holy Bible on the steps of St Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan? What would happen to you if you dropped a Crucifix into a jar of urine, and photographed it, claiming it to be art?

There would be people claiming that you were a religious bigot, who ought to be thrown in jail, but you’d actually face no legal charges. Some people might think you were headed straight to Hell, but no one would actually try to send you there.

What would happen to you if you participated in, or perhaps even led, a protest March in support of Hamas or the Palestinians in New York or Washington or foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia? As long as the protest march was peaceable, there might be some hecklers shouting from the sidewalks as the protest march passed, but you’d not be facing any charges. If you were in the country illegally, now that Donald Trump is President — it wouldn’t have happened under our previous President or Kamala Harris Emhoff, had she been elected — you might get sent back home, but that’s it. And if you are young and pretty, NBC News might even publish a celebratory glamour photo of you!

But, if you lived in Sweden, legally, you could be charged with a crime. Salwan Momika, an Iraqi refugee legally granted protection there, was charged with incitement against an ethnic group over the 2023 burning of a Quran, and was due to be sentenced Thursday morning. Continue reading

Will Bunch equates deporting illegal immigrants to their home countries with the Nazis sending Jews to the gas chamber

Monday was World Holocaust Remembrance Day, and the Turner Classic Movies Channel played the movie Exodus, the not entirely by-the-book movie inspired by Leon Uris’ historical fiction novel of the same name. I am rereading that book, which is on my Kindle stack, these evenings, and have thus far resisted the temptation to spend $66.63, plus $3.00 for shipping, to buy the International Collectors Library hardcover version. 🙁

Naturally, The Philadelphia Inquirer’s hard-left columnist tried to use it to slam President Donald Trump’s policy of enforcing our immigration laws:

In New York, the Center for Jewish History opened up a three-month special exhibit that completely recreates the cramped, secret attic annex where the Amsterdam teen Anne Frank hid with her family and other Jews for two years and wrote her famous diary, before dying of typhus in a concentration camp at age 15. It recaptures the place where, 82 years ago this month, Frank wrote: ”Terrible things are happening outside. At any time of night and day, poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes … Families are torn apart: men, women and children are separated. Children come home from school to find their parents have disappeared.”

In Chicago, terrible things are happening right now, as federal agents and police roam working-class blocks to carry out the initial raids of the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants that new President Donald Trump promised his voters in the 2024 campaign. Once again, people targeted by their country as undesirables are hiding in attics or cowering in basements, hoping to avoid a knock on the door. Continue reading

Three percent of Philadelphians are in the country illegally So, why didn't that 'sanctuary city' do something to 'regularize' their presence in the US while Joe Biden was in office?

“The population of foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia was 1,603,797 according to the 2020 census, yet the July 1,2023 guesstimate was 1,550,542, a 3.32% loss in residents. Now, The Philadelphia Inquirer is telling us that 47,000 people in the City of Brotherly Love are in the United States illegally, which works out to 3.03% of the population. That’s not a small issue.

Immigration advocates brace for Trump’s Day 1 deportation orders that could target 47,000 in Philadelphia

President-elect Donald Trump has promised mass deportations. That could include thousands of people living in Philadelphia.

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