Philadelphia’s war on the city’s poor

Philadelphia is one of our nation’s oldest cities, founded by William Penn in 1682, and legally incorporated in 1701. An old city, built up rapidly before the rise of the automobile, it has a lot of residential areas built primarily for working class people. Now the city is cracking down on modern living in older neighborhoods.

PPA began cracking down on sidewalk parking and five other offenses. The results are in: There’s plenty of bad behavior.

Enforcement officers have been writing tickets in all neighborhoods in the city, though the violations are more prevalent in denser areas such as Fishtown, North Philadelphia, and South Philadelphia.

by Thomas Fitzgerald | Monday, July 1, 2024 | 5:00 AM EDT

Space is tight on the streets of Philadelphia, and some people seem to consider parking on the sidewalk or blocking an accessible curb cut as a necessity that harms nobody. Continue reading

The left are pro-choice on exactly one thing

There was a subscriber comment on an article in The Washington Post on the political polarization of plug in electric vehicles that made me chuckle. The commenter styling himself oneofmanyopinions wrote:

I’m not a tree hugger, but every time I hear a Republican, such as Bill Barr, say things like “they want to take our gas stoves” as justification to vote for Trump, I know I’m witnessing ignorance at a high level.

I responded, noting that immediately to the right of the article was a blurb for one entitled “Gas stoves spread harmful pollution beyond the kitchen, study finds.Continue reading