This site has fairly thoroughly documented the case of Will Thomas, the former male swimmer for the University of Pennsylvania, who then decided that no, he wasn’t a man guy, but a woman. With the suspension of so much of life due to the COVID-19 panicdemic — not a typographical error, but spelled exactly the way it should be — Mr Thomas had a year off to ‘transition’ into a woman, through testosterone suppressants and female hormone supplements, though he hadn’t been castrated had any ‘gender reassignment surgery’ at the time.
Had the story ended there, Mr Thomas, now calling himself “Lia,” nobody other than his friends would have noticed or cared. But nope, the story didn’t end there: Mr Thomas decided that he wanted to compete on Penn’s women’s swim team, and the University, which does have biology courses, professors, and even its own medical school, allowed it. As we previously noted, some of the real women on the swim team were unhappy with this, but the team members had been ‘strongly advised’ to say nothing to the press, and only a couple of team members did speak to the media, under the condition of anonymity.
Why anonymity? The first swimmer to speak out said that she feared for her ability to find employment after being graduated from college for sharing her opinion about a transgender teammate, a fear the University pushed.
That was late 2021, and Joe Biden was just beginning his term in office. The Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress, and the silliness that girls could be boys and boys could be girls was politically ascendant, even if the fans in the stands didn’t see it that way.
It seems the American people didn’t see it that way, either. Donald Trump and Republican candidates raised the issue of fairness to women, and the American people responded by electing Mr Trump, and giving the Republicans an additional four seats, and the majority, in the Senate. British writer J K Rowling, herself very politically on just about every other issue, sent out the tweet shown above as President Trump was signing an Executive Order to try to keep males out of women’s sports.
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