What a great plan!

Every so often I see a ‘let’s cut off our noses to spite our faces’ plan, and it looks to me as though Jim Friedlich, the CEO and executive director of the Leftist Lenfest Institute for Journalism, the nonprofit organization that owns what I have frequently called The Philadelphia Enquirer,[1]RedState writer Mike Miller called it the Enquirer, probably by mistake, so I didn’t originate it, but, reminiscent of the National Enquirer as it is, I thought it very apt. has come up with one. Continue reading


1 RedState writer Mike Miller called it the Enquirer, probably by mistake, so I didn’t originate it, but, reminiscent of the National Enquirer as it is, I thought it very apt.

I check Bluesky so you don’t have to! They can't handle the truth!

One of my morning self-assigned ‘duties’ is to check my two favorite sites, William Teach’s The Pirate’s Cove, and Robert Stacy McCain’s The Other McCain. I have been using Twitter — I refuse to call it 𝕏 — and recently Bluesky to publicize my friends’ articles.

That seems to have angered a Mr Alan G Nixon — or so I assume his name to be from his Bluesky address — of New South Wales, who has the hashtag #ClimateActionNow in his Bluesky bio. He reposted my Bluesky skeet publicizing one of Mr Teach’s articles with a #BlockList hashtag, a method of encouraging his roughly 1,100 followers to not see my skeets, because the anti-global warming climate change activists are too much Special Snowflakes™ to handle anything in opposition.

They can’t handle the truth, but, more than that, they can’t handle what they believe to be true being challenged. Continue reading

Former Penn women’s swim team members are finally speaking out Told to "STFU" when the Democrats held power, now they can shed anonymity to tell the truth!

This site has fairly thoroughly documented the case of Will Thomas, the former male swimmer for the University of Pennsylvania, who then decided that no, he wasn’t a man guy, but a woman. With the suspension of so much of life due to the COVID-19 panicdemic — not a typographical error, but spelled exactly the way it should be — Mr Thomas had a year off to ‘transition’ into a woman, through testosterone suppressants and female hormone supplements, though he hadn’t been castrated had any ‘gender reassignment surgery’ at the time.

Had the story ended there, Mr Thomas, now calling himself “Lia,” nobody other than his friends would have noticed or cared. But nope, the story didn’t end there: Mr Thomas decided that he wanted to compete on Penn’s women’s swim team, and the University, which does have biology courses, professors, and even its own medical school, allowed it. As we previously noted, some of the real women on the swim team were unhappy with this, but the team members had been ‘strongly advised’ to say nothing to the press, and only a couple of team members did speak to the media, under the condition of anonymity.

Why anonymity? The first swimmer to speak out said that she feared for her ability to find employment after being graduated from college for sharing her opinion about a transgender teammate, a fear the University pushed.

That was late 2021, and Joe Biden was just beginning his term in office. The Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress, and the silliness that girls could be boys and boys could be girls was politically ascendant, even if the fans in the stands didn’t see it that way.

It seems the American people didn’t see it that way, either. Donald Trump and Republican candidates raised the issue of fairness to women, and the American people responded by electing Mr Trump, and giving the Republicans an additional four seats, and the majority, in the Senate. British writer J K Rowling, herself very politically on just about every other issue, sent out the tweet shown above as President Trump was signing an Executive Order to try to keep males out of women’s sports.

Three of Lia Thomas’ swim teammates at Penn sue the school, saying inclusion of the trans athlete violated their rights

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Our #FreedomOfSpeech is different from that of other countries, and we thank the Lord for that! We need to defend our freedom of speech against the left who would restrict it

What would happen to you if you tore up and burned a copy of the Holy Bible on the steps of St Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan? What would happen to you if you dropped a Crucifix into a jar of urine, and photographed it, claiming it to be art?

There would be people claiming that you were a religious bigot, who ought to be thrown in jail, but you’d actually face no legal charges. Some people might think you were headed straight to Hell, but no one would actually try to send you there.

What would happen to you if you participated in, or perhaps even led, a protest March in support of Hamas or the Palestinians in New York or Washington or foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia? As long as the protest march was peaceable, there might be some hecklers shouting from the sidewalks as the protest march passed, but you’d not be facing any charges. If you were in the country illegally, now that Donald Trump is President — it wouldn’t have happened under our previous President or Kamala Harris Emhoff, had she been elected — you might get sent back home, but that’s it. And if you are young and pretty, NBC News might even publish a celebratory glamour photo of you!

But, if you lived in Sweden, legally, you could be charged with a crime. Salwan Momika, an Iraqi refugee legally granted protection there, was charged with incitement against an ethnic group over the 2023 burning of a Quran, and was due to be sentenced Thursday morning. Continue reading

The Patriot Front March for Life The left wax apoplectic!

My Twitter feed was filled with images of the Patriot Front marching at Fridays March for Life in Washington, DC. Much of it was condemnatory, and a lot of conservatives were repeating the meme that these were “Feds,” by which they meant federal law enforcement officers, rather than real civilians. I can see, at least in appearance, why people might conclude that. Robert Stacy McCain addressed that issue in “Is the ‘Patriot Front’ a Fed PsyOp?” He cited the very liberal Southern Poverty Law Center, a group which hates all things conservative, normal, and moral, telling us:

Like other hate and extremist groups, the need to recruit and grow their members makes PF a target for antifascist activists who attempt to infiltrate white nationalist groups to expose and disrupt their activities. Since 2018, antifascist activists have infiltrated PF at least five times, which has led to journalist and activist networks obtaining thousands of documents, including internal chat logs, audio and video recordings, and photographs. The laxed operational security measures of PF that are responsible for these infiltrations led to the identification of more than 130 current and former members since 2019.

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When family members play heroes of the Soviet Union

Pavel Trofimovich Morozov (Па́вел Трофи́мович Моро́зов) was a supposed hero of the Soviet Union:

In 1932, at the age of 13, Morozov reported his father to the political police (GPU). Supposedly, Morozov’s father, Trofim, the chairman of the Gerasimovka Village Soviet, had been “forging documents and selling them to the bandits and enemies of the Soviet State” (as the sentence read). Trofim Morozov was sentenced to ten years in a labour camp, where his sentence was changed to death, which was fulfilled. However, Pavlik’s family did not take kindly to his reporting his father and on 3 September of that year, his uncle, grandfather, grandmother, and a cousin murdered him, along with his younger brother. All of them except the uncle were rounded up by the GPU and sentenced to “the highest measure of social defense” – execution by a firing squad.

Thousands of telegrams from all over the Soviet Union urged the judge to show no mercy for Pavlik’s killers. The Soviet government declared Pavlik Morozov a glorious martyr who had been murdered by reactionaries. Statues of him were built, and numerous schools and youth groups were named in his honour. An opera and numerous songs were written about him. The Gerasimovka school that Morozov attended, became a shrine, and children from all over the Soviet Union went on school excursions to visit it.

The entire story may have been a fabrication by the Soviet Communist Party under Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, yet another of the typical propaganda stories. Who, after all, could imagine a 13-year-old denouncing his own father to the police? Continue reading

It was never about “protecting democracy”.

The left have complained loudly that Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and his support of that wholly radical concept of Freedom of Speech was a horrible, horrible thing, but while conservatives are no longer censored on that social media site, Mr Musk has allowed those on the left the same access they always had.

And thus we have Tristan Snell being able to vent his frustration that former President Donald Trump will become President again at noon on January 20th.

Who is Mr Snell? His self-written Twitter biography states that he is a “Lawyer, commentator, fighter for democracy. Prosecuted Trump University @ NY AG. Author of TAKING DOWN TRUMP. Host of the Tristan Snell Show on Apple + Spotify.” Continue reading

The Philadelphia Inquirer beclowns itself . . . again How do you publish a story about Police released images without publishing the images?

This site has reported, many times, on how The Philadelphia Inquirer censors the news, at the direction of publisher Elizabeth “Lisa” Hughes. Miss Hughes told us that “racial justice” concerns will be considered in the newspaper’s “crime and criminal justice coverage,” but today’s story raises it to the laughing out loud level.

Police release images of suspect in jeweled crown heist from Center City church

The burglar broke into St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church at 13th and Ludlow Streets by smashing through a stained-glass window and stole a golden crown, police said.

by Rodrigo Torrejón | Monday, January 13, 2025 | 12:51 PM EST

Image released by Philadelphia Police Department.

Police released images and video of the man they say stole a 125-year-old bejeweled golden crown from atop a marble statue of the Virgin Mary at St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church in Center City and asked the public for help in finding him.Around 1:10 a.m. Saturday, police said, the man broke into the church on the corner of South 13th and Ludlow Streets by smashing through a stained-glass window. The burglar was captured on surveillance video breaking through the window, climbing into the upper nave and going straight to the statue and crown, the church’s archivist, Anne Kirkwood, said.

A short clip from surveillance footage released by police Monday shows the man, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, a face mask, grey sweatpants, and red or pink sneakers, walking up an alleyway by the church before climbing what appears to be a fence and disappearing from view of the camera.

Other clips released by police show the suspect’s alleged getaway car, a grey Mitsubishi SUV.

There’s more at the original.

Yet, while talking about the released image and video, and having three photographs illustrating the article, which I used to obtain the images for this article, the Inquirer did not publish the image or video themselves. There were adequate hyperlinks to take readers to those things, but the Inky, for whatever cockamamie reasons they had, at least a of publication time here, 4:25 PM EST, left out the images about which the story was written!

The image at least appears to show a thin male with fairly dark skin, possibly a black male, breaking into the Center City church, but it isn’t quite clear enough for the viewer to be certain of his race.

Embedded video below the fold. Continue reading

Shedding a tear for Jennifer Rubin, who’s leaving The Washington Post.

We have reported on warmonger and #TrumpDerangementSyndrome sufferer Jennifer Rubin, the Washington Post columnist, several times before. At a time when foreign terrorists have been rampant and murders in Philadelphia had spiked, she was whining about “domestic terrorism,” and Elon Musk opening Twitter to greater freedom of speech. Mrs Rubin, who has told us of her great commitment to democracy, was appalled that a party she doesn’t like was allowed to run in democratic elections. She combitched about Post owner Jeff Bezos spiking an endorsement for Kamala Harris Emhoff, but didn’t quit over that, as several other Post personnel has done.

But now, she’s hitting the road:

Jen Rubin exits Washington Post, joins Norm Eisen to launch new outlet countering ‘authoritarian threat’

by Brian Stelter | Monday, January 13, 2024 | 8:45 AM EST

Jennifer Rubin, photo via Libs of TikTok

New York: CNN — Veteran opinion columnist Jennifer Rubin is becoming the latest in a long list of Washington Post figures to leave the troubled institution.Rubin is partnering with former White House ethics czar Norm Eisen and launching something new: a startup publication called The Contrarian.

The startup’s tagline, “Not owned by anybody,” is a pointed reference to billionaire Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos and other moguls who, in Rubin’s view, have “bent the knee” to President-elect Donald Trump.

“Our goal is to combat, with every fiber of our being, the authoritarian threat that we face,” Rubin told CNN in an interview ahead of the publication’s introduction.

Clearly, Mrs Rubin has been drinking her own Kool-Aid. While the incoming President might think that Mrs Ruban and her fellow travelers belong behind bars, there’s really no law under which she could be thrown in jail for expressing her opinions. She’s like the lovely Kathy Griffin, who’s been claiming that people need to come see her stand up comedy acts now, before she gets thrown into an ‘internment camp,’ is reaching people. I’d say her claim is overblown, considering that President Trump didn’t have her thrown behind barbed wire following her posting of a picture holding what was supposed to be the President’s bloody head, later saying that “she believes she’s been personally attacked by the president and the first family.” Continue reading