Journolism: The credentialed media don’t exactly lie, but they conceal politically incorrect facts Journalists should try telling us the whole truth for a change

No, that’s not a typographical error in the title: the spelling ‘journolist’ or ‘journolism’ comes from JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their objectivity. We use the term ‘journolism’ frequently when writing about media bias.

Journalism at least used to be a profession concerned with the 5 Ws + H: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Those were the questions reporters were supposed to answer if at all possible. Now that print newspapers have been in great decline, and newspapers in digital form are the wave of whatever future newspapers have left, the space limitations that used to hem in stories as measured by word count of column inches are mostly gone. Editors may have to pare down things that are going to be printed in the dead trees editions, but digital bandwidth is incredibly cheap. And Associated Press reporter Nicole Winfield left out a really big answer to “why.” Was it because the “why” is completely politically incorrect? Continue reading

The Golden Rule

Have you heard of the Golden Rule? “He who has the gold makes the rules!”

We have noted, many times, how deep-pockets donors have reacted very badly to the tolerance of anti-Semitism on campus. Several major corporate CEOs have said that they would not hire Harvard students who signed a stupid document blaming Israel for Hamas’ October 7th attack, and at least one CEO has said he will never again hire anyone from Harvard, MIT, or Penn following the three presidents’ debacle. Continue reading

Anti-Semitism at Hahvahd is nothing new.

Our good friends on the left have been assuring us that the many protests against Israel’s policies against the poor, poor Palestinians is simply support for an oppressed people, and is in no way anti-Semitic. Steve Keeley, of Fox 29 News, reproduced and tweeted out the message of John Fry, President of Drexel University in Philadelphia, concerning the new encampment of pro-Hamas protesters there:

While protest encampments such as this one are not legally protected, we had hoped last night that this demonstration would remain peaceful and respectful of others. Regrettably, that is not the case here. This demonstration already has proved intolerably disruptive to normal University operations and has raised serious concerns about the conduct of some participants, including distressing reports and images of protesters subjecting passersby to antisemitic speech, signs and chants.

There’s more of Dr Fry’s message, which can be seen at Mr Keeley’s tweet. The Philadelphia Inquirer covered the creation of the ‘encampment’ at Drexel, but, in an article last updated at 10:14 PM EDT on Saturday, had nothing on Dr Fry’s message or the anti-Semitic behavior of many of the protesters. Continue reading

What part of “the right of the people peaceably to assemble” don’t they understand? Hamas are not peaceful, so I suppose we shouldn't be surprised that their collegiate supporters have not been either

Gaza Rally, May 1, 2024, photo by Abbey Cutrer, Kentucky Kernel. How many were there supporting the rally, and how many were just spectators?

No one has been more supportive of the right of the pro-Hamas demonstrators to exercise their freedom of speech and right to peaceably assemble to proclaim their positions than The First Street Journal has been. We have pointed out how the keffiyeh-wearing activists — and I regard wearing the black-and-white Palestinian keffiyeh as qualitatively indistinguishable from wearing a Nazi swastika armband — had their demonstration at the University of Kentucky, made their points in a rally in front of the school’s main library, waved their Palestinian flags, and, when it was over, picked up their stuff and went home. I have supported the right of the Princeton University hunger strikers to starve themselves to make their point, even as I mocked them, because I unequivocally support Israel in their war against Hamas and I support freedom of speech. I have even said that it’s a bit pointless to use force to break up the protest encampments, because, with the semester ending, these encampments will just wither away.

As it happened, the powers that be at the University of Pennsylvania decided against just leaving the encampments alone, and the Philadelphia Police broke it up and arrested some of the campers. They were definitely the Usual Suspects, as Fox 29 News reported that only 7 of the 33 people arrested for ‘defiant trespassing’ were actually Penn students. Continue reading

The muddled Methodists

There are times when things get published that are just unintentionally humorous whiloe being nevertheless very sad. The always homosexual and transgender supporting Philadelphia Inquirer had this one Friday morning:

My husband had to quit his Methodist ministry for being gay. The new rules on LGBTQ clergy are long overdue.

I only wish Michael Collins were alive today to see his dream for an inclusive Methodist church finally come true.

by Huntly Collins | Friday, April 10, 2024 | 5:00 AM EDT

We had just gotten settled into the second-floor apartment of a house in the Rockhill neighborhood of Kansas City, Mo., when my husband burst through the door with disturbing news. A psychological test given to the entering class at St. Paul’s School of Theology, a Methodist seminary, indicated he was gay. If that were true, he might not be able to pursue his lifelong dream of becoming a Methodist minister. Tears filled his eyes as he explained the test results to me. “But you’re not gay!” I insisted. “We know that!” Continue reading

We all have #FreedomOfSpeech, but that does not come with freedom from consequences The anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas protesters are finding out that some people have listened to them, and don't like what they've said

I spotted this on my feed this morning, and the different reactions are humorous.

Conservative judges say they will boycott Columbia University students

The judges accused Columbia of becoming “ground zero for the explosion of student disruptions, anti-semitism, and hatred for diverse viewpoints on campuses.”

By Tobi Raji | Tuesday, May 7, 2024 | 6:42 PM EDT

More than a dozen conservative federal judges are threatening to not hire law clerks who attend Columbia University or its law school starting this fall — an attempt to show the judges’ displeasure over the institution’s handling of pro-Palestinian protests.

Continue reading

“I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” The pro-Hamas demonstrators have completely ignored the truth.

We have previously noted the idiocy of those holding a “Queers for Palestine” banner, something that even the homosexual activist publication The Advocate said was stupid.

But the image of te guy on the right? You can tell that he’s an American or Brit, because the signs are in English for English readers, and he’s enjoying his Western civilization world of freedom of speech, because if he wore that shirt in Tehran or Cairo or just about anyplace in the Muslim Middle East, he’d be taken straight to jail, doubtlessly beaten, and could well be prosecuted for blasphemy.

Well, maybe not. Try wearing a shirt which proclaims “Allah is Gay” in Riyadh, and you might not even make it to jail, you might well be beaten to death even before the police got there.

Then there’s this: Continue reading

Is a Muslim high school teacher using his position to push #AntiSemitism?

Youssef Abdelwahab, from his LinkedIn profile.

We have previously mentioned Central Bucks West teacher Youssef Abdelwahab, his anti-Israel social media posts, and how some parents believe he is ‘brainwashing’ students. Mr Abdelwahab is a Spanish teacher and adviser to the high school’s Muslim Student Association. The Central Bucks School District investigated the teacher, and concluded that his out-of-school activities did not violate policies.

Well, now his activities have caught the attention of the Feds.

A Central Bucks teacher and student club are the subject of a federal investigation for alleged antisemitism

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is investigating allegations of antisemitic statements by Central Bucks West teacher Youssef Abdelwahab and a Muslim student club.

by Maddie Hanna | Monday, April 29, 2024 | 12:45 PM EDT Continue reading

Why are there so few pro-#Hamas demonstrations in conservative areas?

I have been checking the Lexington Herald-Leader and the Kentucky Kernel, the UK student newspaper for which I used to write back during the days of quill pens and inkwells, every day, and I have yet to see any reports of pro-Hamas, or pro-Israel, protests of demonstrations on campus or in the city. Yes, that shows that Kentucky students are just plain smarter than those elite and effete Ivy Leaguers, but then it occurred to me: there are very few Jewish students at UK, with Jews being a very small minority in the Bluegrass State as a whole, while the reports of demonstrations at Penn and Hahvahd and Columbia are occurring at schools with significant Jewish populations, and it leads me to think that these demonstrations really are just as much anti-Semitic as they are pro-Palestinian.