Will Bunch blows his top again!

I predicted, just two days ago, that the Philadelphia Inquirer’s liberal columnists would be “outraged” by Radnor High School’s decision to remove three “graphic novels” — a fancy term for comic books — dealing with homosexuality and transgenderism from the school library as “age inappropriate” for high schoolers. I have previously said:

Somehow, the hard left have persuaded themselves that they must take the furthest left position possible on anything even remotely regarding to sex, or they’d be enabling us evil reich-wing conservatives and Donald Trump supporters.

Thus far, I haven’t found any OpEd pieces of columns condemning Radnor High School’s action, but it’s no surprise to me that the furthest left columnist, Will Bunch, is absolutely apoplectic that Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) is expressing a sensible position on ‘transgenderism’. Mr Bunch skeeted — a skeet is the slang word for a tweet on Bluesky — this morning:

I always thought Newsom would be a terrible 2028 candidate for the Dems but this clinches it — he is utterly dead to me.

I’m hardly the first person to point this out, but my entire adult life (I was a college senior when Reagan was elected in ’80, now I get senior discounts) the Dems have cowered in fear and tried to be what they think the public wants, instead of offering moral leadership. GN is just the worst case

What piqued Mr Bunch’s ire?

Gavin Newsom breaks with Democrats on trans athletes in sports

The Democratic California governor made the stunning remarks in his debut podcast with conservative guest Charlie Kirk.

by Christopher Cadelago | Thursday, March 6, 2025 | 7:53 AM EST

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a pioneer for LGBTQ+ rights who decades ago upset leaders in his own party when he defied state law and issued marriage licenses to same-sex couples, suggested Democrats were in the wrong in allowing transgender athletes to participate in female college and youth sports.

“I think it’s an issue of fairness, I completely agree with you on that. It is an issue of fairness — it’s deeply unfair,” Newsom said in his debut podcast episode of “This is Gavin Newsom.” “I am not wrestling with the fairness issue. I totally agree with you.”

Newsom’s comments on the issue roiling political debates nationwide came in a conversation with influential MAGA-world figure Charlie Kirk, the campus culture warrior who leads the organization Turning Point USA and is a close ally of President Donald Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr.

Hyperlink to Turning Point USA added by me; it was not in the Politico original.

The distinguished Mr Bunch is probably just as outraged that Mr Newsom even spoke with Charlie Kirk as he is over the Governor’s statements. He was, after all, just as outraged that MSNBC Morning Joe hosts Joe and Mika Scarborough went to Mar-a-Lago to interview Mr Trump after the election.

Newsom also agreed that the most politically destructive attack ads from Trump’s campaign featured Kamala Harris’ support for providing taxpayer-funded gender transition-related medical care for detained immigrants and federal prisoners.

“She didn’t even react to it, which was even more devastating,” Newsom said, suggesting upward of 90 percent of Americans disagreed with Harris’ position. “Then you had the video [of Harris] as a validator. Brutal,” Newsom added. “It was a great ad.”

In other words, Mr Newsom told the truth; no wonder Mr Bunch was upset!

Kirk challenged Newsom, a likely 2028 presidential hopeful, to speak out against AB Hernandez, a transgender high school track star from California whose triple jump event in the women’s competition is drawing fierce backlash from the right. Newsom said he has four children of his own — including two daughters — and noted that both he and his wife participated in college-level sports, she in soccer and he in baseball.

You can follow the link to the original; there is more there.

It’s not just A B Hernandez. This site has previously covered the case of Brayden Fleming, the male volleyball player calling himself “Blaire” and leading San José State University’s women’s volleyball team; San José is in the Pyrite State, so the Governor is almost certainly aware of it.

Mr Newsom is almost certainly running for the 2028 Democratic presidential nomination, and I have previously referred to him as the “2028 Democratic presidential nominee.” Why would he have started his own podcast if he weren’t trying to position himself for that campaign?

“Traci with an i” responded to Mr Bunch:

Wait. Don’t we want politicians to do what public wants? WE are the public. They work for us.

Well, no, Mr Bunch does not want politicians to do what the public want. He had already stated:

the Dems have cowered in fear and tried to be what they think the public wants, instead of offering moral leadership.

Which begs the question: is it truly “moral leadership” to want Will Thomas to beating up on women in the swimming pool? Mr Bunch is almost certainly aware of that idiocy, in that it was covered by how own newspaper, and was a major story about the University of Pennsylvania, in his home area. He might not be aware of Mr Thomas’ real name, since the Inky always referred to him by his faux name of “Lia.”

The columnist spent all of 2024, and earlier, telling us how it was absolutely vital to defeat Mr Trump in the election, to save democracy. Yet here he is, telling us that what the public want isn’t what running for election is all about. Mr Bunch wants to impose on Americans the ideology of the left, and he always will, even though the United States is not a leftist nation.

This is a strange hill on which to die, but if that’s what Mr Bunch wants to do, hey, let him!

Beware the Ides of March!

Happy St Valentine’s Day!

I awoke this morning to a tweet from Libs of TikTok, noting that yet another federal judge has tried to block President Trump’s ‘pause’ in foreign aid spending.

Judge orders Trump administration to temporarily allow funds for foreign aid

by the Associated Press | Thursday, February 13, 2025 | 11:53 PM EST

WASHINGTON — A federal judge has ordered the Trump administration to temporarily lift a three-week funding freeze that has shut down U.S. aid and development programs worldwide.

Judge Amir Ali issued the order Thursday in U.S. district court in Washington in a lawsuit brought by two health organizations that receive U.S. funding for programs abroad.

Newsweek noted that Judge Ali was one of President Joe Biden’s last judicial appointees, confirmed by the then Democrat-controlled Senate after the election. Continue reading

Former Penn women’s swim team members are finally speaking out Told to "STFU" when the Democrats held power, now they can shed anonymity to tell the truth!

This site has fairly thoroughly documented the case of Will Thomas, the former male swimmer for the University of Pennsylvania, who then decided that no, he wasn’t a man guy, but a woman. With the suspension of so much of life due to the COVID-19 panicdemic — not a typographical error, but spelled exactly the way it should be — Mr Thomas had a year off to ‘transition’ into a woman, through testosterone suppressants and female hormone supplements, though he hadn’t been castrated had any ‘gender reassignment surgery’ at the time.

Had the story ended there, Mr Thomas, now calling himself “Lia,” nobody other than his friends would have noticed or cared. But nope, the story didn’t end there: Mr Thomas decided that he wanted to compete on Penn’s women’s swim team, and the University, which does have biology courses, professors, and even its own medical school, allowed it. As we previously noted, some of the real women on the swim team were unhappy with this, but the team members had been ‘strongly advised’ to say nothing to the press, and only a couple of team members did speak to the media, under the condition of anonymity.

Why anonymity? The first swimmer to speak out said that she feared for her ability to find employment after being graduated from college for sharing her opinion about a transgender teammate, a fear the University pushed.

That was late 2021, and Joe Biden was just beginning his term in office. The Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress, and the silliness that girls could be boys and boys could be girls was politically ascendant, even if the fans in the stands didn’t see it that way.

It seems the American people didn’t see it that way, either. Donald Trump and Republican candidates raised the issue of fairness to women, and the American people responded by electing Mr Trump, and giving the Republicans an additional four seats, and the majority, in the Senate. British writer J K Rowling, herself very politically on just about every other issue, sent out the tweet shown above as President Trump was signing an Executive Order to try to keep males out of women’s sports.

Three of Lia Thomas’ swim teammates at Penn sue the school, saying inclusion of the trans athlete violated their rights

Continue reading

Credit where credit is due!

I had never heard of Olivia Julianna before Thursday morning, when I saw this tweet from “Bad Hombre.” Naturally, there were many, many responses along the lines that a hunger strike would do her a lot of good.

But, good decent researcher that I am, I decided to look a bit more deeply, and Google searched her, finding her Twitter account. I wanted to see if she had actually declared a hunger strike until USAID is restored. An admittedly cursory look didn’t find anything like that for her, though she does have other social media channels I did not see.

But I did find this from Miss Julianna, in which she tweeted:

I’m actually down 50 pounds because I can’t afford to eat in Trump’s economy 🙁

That’s pretty amazing! The Trump economy caused her to lose 50 pounds! And, given that Donald Trump had been President for only 16 days when she tweeted that, on February 5th, that’s pretty amazing. Way more effective than Ozempic. Continue reading

When family members play heroes of the Soviet Union

Pavel Trofimovich Morozov (Па́вел Трофи́мович Моро́зов) was a supposed hero of the Soviet Union:

In 1932, at the age of 13, Morozov reported his father to the political police (GPU). Supposedly, Morozov’s father, Trofim, the chairman of the Gerasimovka Village Soviet, had been “forging documents and selling them to the bandits and enemies of the Soviet State” (as the sentence read). Trofim Morozov was sentenced to ten years in a labour camp, where his sentence was changed to death, which was fulfilled. However, Pavlik’s family did not take kindly to his reporting his father and on 3 September of that year, his uncle, grandfather, grandmother, and a cousin murdered him, along with his younger brother. All of them except the uncle were rounded up by the GPU and sentenced to “the highest measure of social defense” – execution by a firing squad.

Thousands of telegrams from all over the Soviet Union urged the judge to show no mercy for Pavlik’s killers. The Soviet government declared Pavlik Morozov a glorious martyr who had been murdered by reactionaries. Statues of him were built, and numerous schools and youth groups were named in his honour. An opera and numerous songs were written about him. The Gerasimovka school that Morozov attended, became a shrine, and children from all over the Soviet Union went on school excursions to visit it.

The entire story may have been a fabrication by the Soviet Communist Party under Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, yet another of the typical propaganda stories. Who, after all, could imagine a 13-year-old denouncing his own father to the police? Continue reading

I check Bluesky so you don’t have to! Will Bunch would rather see more killing than Donald Trump win a Nobel Peace Prize

I will admit it: I have spent far too much of the past couple of days in schadenfreude over the apoplexy of the left that Donald Trump is going to be inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States at noon on Monday. Most of the stuff was by people as no named as me, and a lot of it was simply silly beyond belief. Mr Trump moved the inauguration indoors due to the bitterly cold weather forecast for Washington DC, about 20º F, with wind chills in the single digits, so the left have been claiming that it wasn’t the weather, but that the President was afraid, afraid that the number of protesters would outnumber supporters, and that he just wasn’t tough enough, as Presidents John F Kennedy and Barack Hussein Obama had inaugurations outdoors in similarly cold weather.

We might as well face it: the very bitter left will say anything to insult Mr Trump.

More interesting to me was this skeet — a skeet is what a tweet on Bluesky is called — from Will Bunch, the far-left columnist of The Philadelphia Inquirer. Mr Bunch wrote that he literally felt sick to his stomach over the idea that our incoming President was “already Nobel Peace Prize shopping, peering down the aisles of conflict and crisis to gauge the easiest route to capturing the coveted award to adorn the lobby of Mar-a-Lago,” and that The Washington Post’s new contributing columnist, Rahm Emanuel, argued that “even Trump’s fiercest opponents ought to encourage this yen — and even root him on.” Continue reading

How the severity of the California wildfires is Donald Trump’s fault!

I might be stealing William Teach’s schtick with this one, but it’s too good to pass up.

Burning Teslas in LA Add to Toxic Mix Hindering Wildfire Cleanup

  • Electric cars add a new dimension to the mess left by fires

  • Specialized removal means longer delays for victims

By Eliyahu Kamisher, Laura Curtis, and Kara Carlson | Thursday, January 16, 2025 | 8:16 PM EST | Updated Friday, January 17, 2025 | 8:31 AM EST

As the smoke clears from devastating Los Angeles wildfires, efforts to clean up the affected areas are being complicated by burnt-out electric and hybrid vehicles and home-battery storage systems. Continue reading

It was never about “protecting democracy”.

The left have complained loudly that Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and his support of that wholly radical concept of Freedom of Speech was a horrible, horrible thing, but while conservatives are no longer censored on that social media site, Mr Musk has allowed those on the left the same access they always had.

And thus we have Tristan Snell being able to vent his frustration that former President Donald Trump will become President again at noon on January 20th.

Who is Mr Snell? His self-written Twitter biography states that he is a “Lawyer, commentator, fighter for democracy. Prosecuted Trump University @ NY AG. Author of TAKING DOWN TRUMP. Host of the Tristan Snell Show on Apple + Spotify.” Continue reading

World War III Watch: Joe Biden sends more aid, and Volodymyr Zelenskyy wants us to send ground troops

We have said it before: it doesn’t matter how much money and military aid we send to Ukraine, they cannot defeat Russia absent the US and NATO sending actual ground troops to fight Russia, and fighter aircraft and pilots to gain air superiority. Now Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wants just that:

U.S. announces more Ukraine aid as Zelenskyy calls for NATO to deploy troops to “force Russia into peace”

CBS News | Thursday, January 9, 2024 | 10:00 AM EST

Ramstein Air Base, Germany — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Thursday said Donald Trump’s return to the White House would open “a new chapter” and reiterated a call for Western allies to send troops to help “force Russia to peace.” He made the plea as the Biden administration announced what will likely be its last major military aid package for Ukraine — a promise of weapons and other support worth $500 million. Continue reading