You in a heap ‘o trouble, boy! Larry Krasner didn't do Quadir Humphrey any favors

We noted, on Thursday evening, that the George Soros-sponsored, police-hating, softer-on-crime-than-Charmin District Attorney, Larry Krasner, wants to get Act 40, establishing a special prosecutor for crimes committed on or near SEPTA property, declared unconstitutional, because, in my opinion, he wants to cripple the law enforcement arm of Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker Mullins’ plan to shut down the infamous open-air drug market and clean up the homeless — read: junkies — encampments on the city’s streets in the Kensington neighborhood.

And here we go!

Two teens charged with shooting 16-year-old at City Hall SEPTA platform

Prosecutors said they intend to charge a 18-year-old and 16-year-old with the shooting.

by Ellie Rushing | Friday, January 12, 2024 | 9:31 AM EST | Updated: 3:44 PM EST

Two teens have been arrested and will be charged with shooting a 16-year-old boy in the head after police said they fired into a crowd of young people waiting for the subway at City Hall’s SEPTA station on Thursday night.

Around 9:25 p.m. Thursday, as a group of teens stood on the westbound platform of the Market-Frankford Line, prosecutors said, 18-year-old Quadir Humphrey, with a 16-year-old, fired multiple times as the train approached. As the crowd fled in a panic, police found the teen lying on the ground, shot in the head.

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Larry Krasner files a lawsuit to prevent Mayor Cherelle Parker Mullins plans to clean up Kensington.

Oh, that’s not how the George Soros-sponsored, police-hating, softer-than-Charmin-on-crime District Attorney would put it, publicly, but that’s his intention.

Mayor Cherelle Parker taps a new top police leader to head the department’s Kensington strategy

Pedro Rosario, a new deputy commissioner for the Kensington initiative, is the highest ranking Latino in the history of the Philadelphia Police Department.

by Anna Orso | Thursday, January 11, 2024 | 9:09 AM EST | Updated: 1:21 PM EST

Mayor Cherelle L. Parker announced Thursday that the Police Department has tapped a new deputy commissioner whose sole job will be to head the department’s strategy in Kensington, home to a sprawling open-air drug market that Parker has vowed to shut down. Continue reading

In Philly, it seems that squatters have more rights than property owners There's a point at which the more moderate Democrats do little more than enable the far left.

We have previously noted how the left in Philadelphia do not respect people’s property rights, and how no one in the city cannot ever be expected to protect property rights. Naturally, The Philadelphia Inquirer would never report on this story, but the New York Post did:

Philadelphia homeowner is forced to pay $1.2K to get squatters out after cops refused to intervene

By Melissa Koenig | Monday, January 8, 2024 | 2:42 PM EST

A Philadelphia homeowner says he was forced to pay squatters who changed the locks and left the property a mess $1,200 to leave after city officials refused to intervene. Continue reading

Journolism: The credentialed media don’t exactly lie, but they conceal politically incorrect facts

We have previously reported that today’s professional journalists rarely deliberately lie to us, but that they often omit rather important parts of the story. This was an Associated Press story, an ostensibly straight news piece, in which the writer managed to omit the most important part of the story. Read on and you’ll see why I frequently refer to journolists[1]The spelling ‘journolist’ or ‘journolism’ comes from JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their … Continue reading as opposed to journalists! Continue reading


1 The spelling ‘journolist’ or ‘journolism’ comes from JournoList, an email list of 400 influential and politically liberal journalists, the exposure of which called into question their objectivity. I use the term ‘journolism’ frequently when writing about media bias.

The left are aghast when conservatives use the same weapons liberals use.

It really didn’t take all that long for the Usual Suspects to slam former Harvard University President Claudine Gay’s resignation as the result of a vicious campaign by wicked Far-Right Extremists. Nikole Hannah-Jones, whose claim to fame is the creation of the 1619 Project on the history of slavery in the United States, tweeting about Dr Gay’s resignation: Continue reading

In New York City, the savages protest in support of savagery

When my good friend William Teach wrote, at 8:25 PM EST on Christmas Day, “What’s the over/under that the @nytimes doesn’t bother to cover this, despite being a NY paper? Maybe a tiny blurb on A25. If these were rioting Jews it would already be on the web front page,” I thought that surely, surely!, even The New York Times couldn’t ignore riots. But, Mr Teach was right: at least as of 8:40 AM EST, there were no stories at all on the front page of the Times website concerning the riots, though there was a story, in the “In Case You Missed It” section about halfway down on the right hand side, “New York City, for Some Jews, Feels Newly Tense : With antisemitism and protests spilling onto the streets of New York, the city’s Jewish population is trying to navigate the new contours of its hometown,” a story dated on December 20th, six days ago.

There was an old joke in the city, from the days when people actually read the dead-trees editions of newspapers, that people on the subways used the Times as a cover to hide from people that they were actually reading the New York Post:

Pro-Palestinian protesters chant ‘Christmas is canceled’ while carrying blood-red mock Nativity scene through NYC — scuffles break out, arrests made

By Larry Celona, Reuven Fenton, Jorge Fitz-Gibbon, and Patrick Reilly | Christmas Day, December 25, 2023 | 8:25 PM EST

They’re out to “cancel” Christmas.

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters converged on Midtown Monday, lugging a blood-red mock Nativity scene and chanting, “Christmas is canceled here.” Continue reading

Money talks

Our nation’s third oldest continuously published daily newspaper, The Philadelphia Inquirer, loaded up with the #woke as it is, has yet another story defending the University of Pennsylvania’s departing President, Liz Magill, who was forced out after she made a boneheadely stupid, as in dumb as a box of rocks stupid, statement in testimony to a congressional committee that calls to ‘kill all the Jews’ would be a violation of the University’s rules or code of context depending on the context in which such calls were made. Dr Magill, we are told, was new on campus, there for only 18 months, while Claudine Gay has been at Hahvahd for 15 years, and had a lot more friends and good contacts there. There were anti-Semitic incidents on campus even before Hamas’ October 7th attack, and Penn’s faculty didn’t write the support letters that Dr Gay and MIT’s Sally Kornbluth got.

And, of course, Dr Gay is black, while Dr Kornbluth is Jewish.

“I do not think it’s a coincidence that the lone president who had to walk the plank was the white Catholic,” (Jonathan Zimmerman, a Penn professor of the history of education) said.

There’s more:

One major difference at Harvard was a letter signed by more than 650 faculty calling on the university to keep Claudine Gay; its board announced last week that she would remain. A group of current and former MIT faculty leaders also issued a letter of support for their president, Sally Kornbluth, and the board of trustees there also backed her, according to the Washington Post.

But faculty at Penn wrote no such letter for Magill, a former University of Virginia provost and lawyer who had begun her tenure less than 18 months earlier.

Now, however, the faculty senate is circulating a letter to the board of trustees, already signed by more than 880 faculty members, that opposes “all attempts by trustees, donors, and other external actors to interfere with our academic policies and to undermine academic freedom.”

I’m not certain how the Trustees are “external actors,” given that they are the ones who are ultimately responsible for the safety and financial security of the University. And the donors? We already know that the students and faculty don’t particularly care for the deep-pockets donors giving multi-million dollars gifts to their alma mater, and the donors have no official power. The previously mentioned Dr Zimmerman, who is also an Inquirer columnist — something reporter Susan Snyder‘s original failed to note — who wrote, before October 7th that people ought not to lose their jobs because they have tweeted something the ‘other side’ finds objectionable:

The only solution is to let everyone tweet what they wish, whether you agree with them or not.

I have been fully supportive of people tweeting exactly what they wish, and do not want the anti-Semitic tweets censored, not because I support what they are saying, but because I very much want the anti-Semites to tell us exactly who they are, so that we can avoid them, and avoid doing business with them. I completely support the things we have previously reported about deep-pocket university donors closing their checkbooks due to anti-Semitism on campus, and creating ‘do not hire’ lists of the haters of Jews. Dr Zimmerman was similarly displeased that the deep-pockets donors were using their money to fight anti-Semitism.

“But if the donors have no official power to “interfere with (Penn’s) academic policies and to undermine academic freedom,” they do have one very important power, that being to either contribute or not contribute to the University. You’d think that a University which houses the Wharton School, the oldest and most prestigious business school in the country, which is arguably better known that the University itself, and the one which has produced a very substantial portion of the deep-pockets donors, would understand that.

We do have and should have freedom of speech and of the press, but if people can speak freely, then others have the right to listen to them, and if they disagree, choose not to support them. Yes, the students and faculty at Penn have a perfect right to say or publish anything they want, but the donors have the right to decide not to support them.

Killadelphia: The City of Brotherly Love has been under one murder per day for the last three months

Well, it took a long time, but the City of Brotherly Love hit 400 homicides for the fourth year in a row. Still, it’s progress, because Philadelphia will be well under 500, a number hit the previous two years, and there’s good reason to suspect that the total topped 500 three years ago as well.

The news is even better than expected: as recently as October 1st, the mat worked out to a projected 439.60 homicides. Now, it works out to 412.43, using a daily average of 1.2994 homicides per day. But, using the figures only since October 1st, 70 homicides in 80 days, 0.875 killings per day, and 11 days left in 2023, that works out to 9.625 more murders in the city, for a total of 409 or 410 for the year. There were 12 murders in the last 11 days of 2022.

The most interesting part of that math is that there have been fewer than one homicide per day for almost the last three months!