That thing that never happens has happened again

The murder of Laken Riley by José Antonio Ibarra, an illegal immigrant released into the US by Customs and Border Patrol during the Biden Administration because the surge in apprehended border crossers had worsened to a point where they did not have enough space at a detention facility to hold him, was a rare, rare event, certainly nothing over which to criticize our 46th President’s compassionate immigration policies. Such criticism was inflamed by the evil reich-wing former President Donald Trump, for political gain, don’t you know.

Detectives arrest a subject who sexually assaulted children.

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Soft-peddling the Gangs of Philadelphia

Ellie Rushing, from her Twitter profile.

If there’s one thing of which no one can accuse Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Ellie Rushing it’s laziness. Her author profile states that her beat is “cover(ing) criminal justice and law enforcement in Philadelphia, including how crime and the court systems impact communities,” and there’s certainly plenty of that in foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia.

Miss Rushing gave us a deep look into the West Philly gang Young Bag Chasers, about whom we have nine times previously noted. Despite the fact that we were reliably informed by the newspaper that there are no gangs in the city, just “cliques of young men affiliated with certain neighborhoods and families,” who sometimes had “beefs” with other cliques, and that we have previously reported that the newspaper really, really, really doesn’t like to refer to gangs as gangs, Miss Rushing, though using other descriptions occasionally for prosaic reasons, does refer to “YBC” as a gang occasionally.

But, sadly enough, in a very in-depth article, one that the research of which must have put the reporter in some physical danger, Miss Rushing gives us far too many excuses as to how and why the gang became a gang and the gang members became gang members. Continue reading

Hold them accountable! When will we hold those who have enabled illegal immigration accountable for the violent crimes some illegals have committed?

Joel Quintana-Dominguez

That thing that never happens happened again! Another poor, hard-working, only-wanted-to-better-himself-and-his-family, illegal immigrant has been charged with serious crimes.

‘Disgusted and sickened’: Man accused of trying to flee country after sexually assaulting child in Shelby Twp.

By Jessica Dupnack | July 30, 2024 | 9:26 AM EDT

SHELBY TOWNSHIP, Mich. (FOX 2) – After allegedly sexually assaulting a family member numerous times, Shelby Township police say the suspect started packing up to flee the country.

Officers began investigating 32-year-old Joel Quintana-Dominguez on July 15 after learning that he may have sexually assaulted a minor who was not even a teenager yet. Continue reading

A Philadelphia story 13-year-olds trying to steal a car

It was a brief story, totally Philadelphia in nature:

Two 13-year-old boys were shot in Southwest Philly while allegedly attempting to steal a car, police said

The shooting occurred shortly before 6:15 p.m. in the alleyway between the 5900 blocks of Windsor Avenue and Belmar Terrace, police said.

by Robert Moran | Tuesday, February 4, 2025 | 7:20 PM EST | Updated: 9:34 PM EST

Two 13-year-old boys allegedly attempting to steal a vehicle were shot by the owner during a confrontation Tuesday evening in Southwest Philadelphia, police said. Continue reading

Sometimes you just have to be an [insert slang term for the rectum here] to do things right "Collateral arrests" are good arrests!

The old-line newspapers only rarely publish outright lies. Rather, their bias — and they all have an editorial bias! — shows not in actual reporting, but in what they choose to report, and choose not to cover.

And so it is with The Philadelphia Enquirer. No, that’s not how it’s actually spelled, but RedState writer Mike Miller called it the Enquirer, probably by mistake, so I didn’t originate it. However, reminiscent of the National Enquirer as it is, I thought it very apt.

Well, the Inquirer, to use the proper spelling, loves them some illegal immigration, and naturally the newspaper’s website main page was filled with such stories on Sunday morning: Continue reading

President Trump is doing what the American people want him to do A clear majority want the illegal immigrants kicked out!

If illegal immigrants are now staying away from work, because they are afraid that ICE will show up, nab them, and deport them, doesn’t that mean:

  • The illegal immigrants will quickly run out of money;
  • When the illegals run out of money, they’ll quickly run out of food and shelter; which means
  • The illegals will realize that they have to leave the United States on their own, and self-deport.

How would this not be a good thing?

Philly migrants skip work, school, and shopping amid fears of ICE enforcement

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The Justice Department said that pardons do not mean innocence . . . when it comes to the J6 defendants. The same must hold true for those pardoned by Joe Biden

After Donald Trump won the 2024 election, with an open promise to pardon the Capitol kerfufflers, the Department of Justice, under President Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland, a man who hates Republicans for denying him a seat on the Supreme Court, wanted to let the January 6 political prisoners that the acceptance of a pardon on their part was an admission of guilt. Continue reading

You in a heap o’ trouble, boy

Thanks to Stacey Matthews, who has been writing as Sister Toldjah for twenty years now — she ‘outed’ herself from her anonymity when a stalker ferreted out her identification and was getting ready to publish it — on RedState, I found this gem, from The Sacramento Bee:

Darrin Bell, Sacramento-based comic strip creator, arrested on suspicion of child pornography

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It’s been a while since I posted a “Killadelphia” article, but it seems that the City of Brotherly Love, despite a dramatically reduced homicide rate the past couple of years, still likes seeing blood flowing down the gutters.

North Philly teen killed in shooting was a student athlete who had the highest SAT score at Samuel Fels

Another teen, an 18-year-old whom police did not identify, was fatally shot hours earlier on the 6100 block of Vine Street, police said.

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