Biden-Harris Admin Upset Over “False” Pets Eating Stories

They aren’t particularly worried about the American citizens of Springfield who had 20,000 3rd World (4th World?) Haitians dumped in their city of 60,000, bringing their 3rd World beliefs, violence and problems, raising rent, stealing, and so much more. They’re just worried about the Haitians

White House Says False Migrant Pet-eating Stories Put ‘Lives In Danger’

The White House on Thursday condemned debunked stories being pushed by Donald Trump about Haitian migrants eating pet cats and dogs in Ohio as “filth” and said they were endangering people’s lives.

“It is spreading filth that makes the lives of the communities that are being smeared here… it puts their lives in danger,” Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told a briefing.

Not a bit of concern for the Americans. None. And a President Harris would simply bring more into this country. People who will never assimilate, just like with the Islamists in Dearborn and Minneapolis. Venezuelan gang members in Aurora, Colorado. She and the rest of her Comrades want your child’s education disrupted by illegals who do not speak the language and care nothing about being an American, only to be given everything and force America to change for them.

(NY Post) Forget about the ducks and geese allegedly disappearing from public parks. In this beleaguered city, residents say the biggest problem, by far, is that wild-driving Haitian migrants — unfamiliar with US road laws — are turning the streets into combat zones.

And the result can be deadly. The family of Springfield grandma Kathy Heaton experienced this firsthand on Dec. 1 — a day after her 71st birthday — when a Haitian migrant ran her down while she was collecting her garbage cans.

And the driver got off scot-free.

Would an American have gotten off?

Mandy and countless other Springfield residents feel the problem is in the roughly 20,000 Haitian migrants who have flooded into this city of just 60,000 people in just a few years. Longtime residents say the immigrants are getting temporary driving permits without having to learn how to drive safely in the US — or even knowing how to drive at all. (snip)

“Haitians are going the wrong way down one-way streets, making unlawful U-turns in the middle of the roadways, damaging property by driving recklessly, there’s been some street signs taken out, people have had their garages wrecked,” she said.

How would the cops treat you?

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One thought on “Biden-Harris Admin Upset Over “False” Pets Eating Stories

  1. Having personally experienced drivers in both Italy and France, I can tell you that even in those First World nations, the drivers are crazy. And watching bus drivers in London? I’m not crazy enough to try the s(tuff) they do!

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