California General Assembly Sends Anti-Inappropriate Book Ban Bill To Governor

Does this mean that the other books banned by school districts in California, like To Kill A Mockingbird, Huckleberry Finn, Of Mice And Men, The Cay and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry will now be taught/available in the libraries? Probably not. This is all about protecting highly sexualized and white people hating books from being removed from schools despite being completely inappropriate for the children’s age

California Legislature sends Newsom his ‘anti-book ban’ bill

California Democrats on Thursday passed legislation that would fine school districts for rejecting textbooks or school library books for discriminatory reasons — a bill backed by Gov. Gavin Newsom that he is expected to sign.

Assembly Bill 1078, carried by Assemblymember Corey Jackson (D-Perris), this year became the administration’s central legislative response to conservative school boards’ embrace of the education culture wars. Newsom aides worked to craft the latest version of the legislation in response to a GOP-backed school board in Temecula that gained notoriety with state Democrats for blocking social studies textbooks over their inclusion of gay rights icon Harvey Milk.

“California is the true freedom state: a place where families — not political fanatics — have the freedom to decide what’s right for them,” Newsom said in a statement after the bill cleared its final legislative hurdle Thursday. “All students deserve the freedom to read and learn about the truth, the world, and themselves.”

Not mentioned is that most of the books being challenged are so sexualized that school boards won’t even let parents read from them at meetings?

There is such a thing as age appropriate, and most of these books are being kept out of schools from the classroom to the library for young kids, much like these same young kids shouldn’t be going to PG-13, R, and X rated movies. They can’t if it’s R or above. Yet, the material in those books is often X rated. And other books tell white kids how horrible and racist they are for what adults did long, long ago. Why are Democrats so hot to force this stuff on children?

Splodin’: SCNY Mayor Says Illegal Immigration Will Destroy City

Back in the day when I and so many used to blog a lot about terrorism there was something called “splodin'”, which was when a jihadi unintentionally set off their bomb early, usually taking themselves and other jihadis out. My favorite was a jihadi strapping on his suicide vest in Pakistan, then tripped and fell down the stairs from the 2nd floor and it went off. Good stuff. Watching liberal mayors of declared sanctuary cities lose their sh*t reminds me of splodin’

Adams: Cost of migrants ‘will destroy New York City’

New York City Mayor Eric Adams made some of his strongest comments yet on his concerns about the unending flow of migrants coming to the city, warning it will upend neighborhoods and continue to strain resources.

“Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this,” Adams said Wednesday night.

Adams, a Democrat, was speaking at a town hall organized by his office on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. His opening remarks lamented the financial impact of the city’s efforts to house and serve more than 100,000 migrants over the last year.

“This issue will destroy New York City. … All of us are going to be impacted by this. I said it last year when we had 15,000, and I’m telling you now at 110,000. The city we knew, we’re about to lose,” he continued.

It’s a real shame when Democrats have to deal with their beliefs when they wanted the problem to be Someone Else’s problem, eh?

Republicans praised Adams, jumping off his words to promote the party’s position of reducing immigration and knocking the White House for not doing more.

“The first step towards solving a problem is admitting you have one. Credit to Mayor Adams for being truthful in this clip about the scope of NYC’s migrant crisis,” Rep. Nick LaLota (R-N.Y.) wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “Now, he must repeal NYC’s sanctuary policies & President Biden must reinstate Remain in Mexico to help solve it.”

The solution is simple: shut down the borders as much as possible. Anyone here illegally is to be deported immediately. This includes visa overstays. End asylum, allowing those here legally to assimilate, like has been done several times in the past. We can work on the “Dreamers”. I like my plan, we could also do Rand Paul’s plan, however, his doesn’t include forcing the people who “sinned” by bringing the kids illegally to leave the U.S. Enforce visas. No more constant reauthorization when they aren’t supposed to be, with the visa holders being here so long they demand citizenship, and are bringing over all their relatives. No. Increase the temporary worker permits, especially for Mexicans, we can get back to where everyone could cross the border at will and then everyone goes home.

Otherwise, Abbott and DeSantis should triple the buses going to sanctuary areas.

Federal Judge Orders Texas To Move River Barriers

Too bad the judge didn’t order the Brandon regime to actual secure the border, as required by federal law and the U.S. Constitution

Federal judge orders Texas to remove floating barriers aimed at deterring migrants on Rio Grande

A federal judge ordered Texas to remove floating barriers in the Rio Grande and barred the state from building new or placing additional buoys in the river, according to a Wednesday court filing, marking a victory for the Biden administration.

Judge David Alan Ezra ordered Texas to take down the barriers by September 15 at its own expense.

The border buoys have been a hot button immigration issue since they were deployed in the Rio Grande as part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security initiative known as Operation Lone Star. The Justice Department had sued the state of Texas in July claiming that the buoys were installed unlawfully and asking the judge to force the state to remove them.

In the lawsuit, filed in US District Court in the Western District of Texas, the Justice Department alleged that Texas and Abbott violated the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act by building a structure in US water without permission from United States Army Corps of Engineers and sought an injunction to bar Texas from building additional barriers in the river. The Republican governor, meanwhile, has argued the buoys are intended to deter migrants from crossing into the state from Mexico.

Biden doesn’t want anyone to get in the way of unfettered illegal immigration. Abbott should invest in a lot more buses. Doesn’t Biden have a fence at the White House? One being built at his beach house? Barriers at the DOJ building?

Texas swiftly appealed the judge’s order.

“This ruling is incorrect and will be overturned on appeal. We will continue to utilize every strategy to secure the border, including deploying Texas National Guard soldiers and Department of Public Safety troopers and installing strategic barriers,” Abbott’s office said in a statement, adding that the state “is prepared to take this fight all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Well, it won’t be a long trip, but, Gov Greg Abbott should send a busload or two of illegals and drop them off outside Ezra’s court in Austin, Texas. And drop a bunch off at the DOJ building in D.C. And the White House. On the face of it, the ruling may be correct per law, being an international border, but, I hope Texas argues on appeal that the federal government is not doing much to stop illegals from crossing into the U.S.

Meanwhile, more justice system run amok

California Judge Halts School District’s Transgender Parental Notification Policy

A California judge granted the state government’s request for a temporary restraining order against the Chino Valley Unified School District’s new policy requiring parents to be notified if a child wishes to become transgender.

Though the full case will resume in October, San Bernardino Superior Court Judge Thomas Garza — appointed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) in 2007 — seemed inclined to rule in favor of the state’s argument that the policy violates the rights of children who say they are transgender, and against the district’s contention that the policy is a common-sense rule that protects children and the rights of parents to be involved in their children’s upbringing.

Our justice system is protecting illegal aliens over U.S. citizens and groomers over the well-being of children.

Democrats Now Want Ground Rules On Presidential Impeachment

Where was Evan Davis (D) during the unhinged impeachments of Donald Trump? He worked for the Democrats who were looking to impeach Nixon. But, now, with a potential impeachment of Biden (really, I’m not sure the House GOP has the cajones, and there are too many squishes who might vote against even having an investigation), Davis wants to argue that rules need to be set

We need to set ground rules for presidential impeachments

Constitutional scholar Garrett Epps has called presidential impeachment “the atomic bomb of domestic politics.” It should not become a conventional weapon of political polarization.

We’re on the verge of that, however, if we as a nation don’t set a floor under the grounds for presidential impeachment.

Doing so requires public discussion of the impeachable offense of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” contained in the U.S. Constitution. What is it? What does it cover?

As a task force leader in the U.S. House Judiciary Committee’s inquiry into the impeachment of former President Nixon, I saw this question wrestled with first-hand. After detailed study, we concluded that “[b]ecause impeachment of a President is a grave step for the nation, it is to be predicated only upon conduct seriously incompatible with either the constitutional form and principles of our government or the proper performance of constitutional duties of the presidential office.” What does that then preclude?

You know what it precludes? “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” That’s it. It should be serious, but, as usual, Democrats blew that out the window during the Trump years, and tried to get there during the Bush43 years. We warned you wackos that if you wanted to play games with Trump it could blowback on you

First, it requires that a president be impeached only for offenses committed while serving as president. There can be no violation of the constitutional duties of the presidential office until one becomes president. Moreover, the weight of historical precedent is key in fixing the scope of impeachable offenses: The four presidential impeachments and 15 judicial impeachments have all been for conduct while in office.

Actually, it doesn’t. Nothing in the passage from Article II Section 4 makes that claim. What if we found out the president killed someone before he/she took office? Can they not be impeached? Damned right they can. But, see

Yet there is talk on Capitol Hill of impeaching President Biden for actions taken either while vice president or in the four years between his terms as vice president and then president. As shown, the Constitution does not envision a president being put out of office for something that took place before he was elected to the office. Similarly, American voters should not be disenfranchised based on actions taken by an individual before being elected president. There are other legal remedies for such actions.

And there it is: Democrats want to exclude the crimes by Biden before he was President. Nope. That’s not going to fly.

One claimed ground for impeaching Biden, for instance, is that as vice president he conditioned aid to Ukraine on the firing of a corrupt prosecutor to help a Ukrainian company on whose board his son served. Putting aside the problem of basing presidential impeachment on conduct as vice president and the factual implausibility and speculative nature of this claim, the alleged conduct is not a crime or the abusive solicitation of a personal benefit in return for official action.

Influence peddling and extortion, especially using The People’s money, is a crime. Mr. Davis could go to jail for extortion. Why not Joe Biden?

Good News: China Suckers Biden Admin Into Restarting Climate Talks

China has to love this: it sidetracks the Biden admin, along with other Warmists leaders, from noticing China’s human rights abuses, the cause of COVID19, China wanting Taiwan, and many other serious, real world issues. But, lots of Warmist news outlets are squeeing in cult, such as the NY Times (paywalled), Washington Post, NBC News, and

The US and China will restart climate talks – why that’s a huge deal

US president Joe Biden and China’s president Xi Jinping today agreed to renew climate talks, ending months of silence due to geopolitical tensions. Here’s why that’s a major breakthrough.

The US and China stopped talking about climate change in August after US representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) visited Taiwan. There has also been a lot of strain between the two countries over trade and security issues.

Biden and Xi met for more than three hours today ahead of the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia. At the conclusion of their meeting, they announced that the two countries would, as Biden said, make an effort to “manage our differences.”

After the meeting, the White House released a statement:

President Biden underscored that the United States and China must work together to address transnational challenges – such as climate change, global macroeconomic stability including debt relief, health security, and global food security – because that is what the international community expects. The two leaders agreed to empower key senior officials to maintain communication and deepen constructive efforts on these and other issues.

How cute. Meanwhile, China is building new coal fired power plants willy nilly, and dumping crummy solar panels and wind turbines at below market prices around the world. Just playing Joe and the other Warmists as suckers. While Biden is downgrading our military, trying to force them to use EVs as fighting vehicles, China is heavily upgrading their military.

What Are The Democrats Three Main Economy/Inflation Plans Now That They Kept The Senate?

At the time of writing this, the GOP has 217 wins for the House, and just need one more for control, and they’re leading in 4, with a few others being close. Be thankful, because the Democrats plans are as bad now as they were prior to the election

Now that Americans elected Democrats to keep the Senate, here are their 3 major plans to fix the economy and fight inflation

The House is still too close to call, and in the event of a Republican takeover, a blue Senate will have limited power. They would be able to confirm Biden’s judicial and executive branch nominees but not pass significant new legislation on partisan lines. Still, Democrats have heralded the victory as voters’ rejection of far-right extremism, and their desire to see abortion rights and fair elections safeguarded.

Those may be the big takeaways, but Democrats locking down the Senate — and likely only conceding a slim majority to Republicans in the House — also indicate that voters favor Democrats’ plan to rein in a tumultuous economy.

I seriously doubt that. Every poll stated that Americans trusted Republicans more than Democrats. The results were surely about many other things. When Independents and squishy Democrats say Democrats are doing a poor job, well, sure, let’s do the same

Supporting Biden’s spending, such as the IRA and a restored Child Tax Credit

Republicans on the campaign trail blamed Biden’s spending for the country’s inflation problems, arguing that the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan has been one of the major instigators. Experts say that if it was, the impact wasn’t significant. Still, the GOP similarly united against Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.

But public favor for the legislation was solid out of the gate, with a Reuters/Ipsos poll from August showing broad support for individual measures of the Inflation Reduction Act, even if Americans were divided on the package as a whole.

Yeah, the ones that give them money directly. Mostly, voters say it won’t make a difference on inflation or reducing the cost of energy, clothes, food.

Tackling corporate profits as an inflation-fighting measure

Several of the Democrats who achieved close wins slammed corporations for enjoying record profits over the last few years without easing the burden for consumers amid record inflation.

So, class warfare. It won’t make a damned bit of difference, and could drive up prices and reduce jobs, but, it’ll whip the moonbats up for 2024.

Making healthcare more affordable by expanding Medicare and lowering drug costs

Democrats spent the back half of their midterms pitching themselves as strongholds for entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security, and framing Republicans as a threat.

So, more government. Which won’t actually reduce costs. Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to do that? And hasn’t? This is a plan to continue driving prices up, or, at least, keeping them high. Notice there is nothing in their plan about increasing affordable energy. Of course, they’ll get nothing done, because the House controls the purse strings. If the GOP is wise (always an iffy proposition) they’ll focus on the economy, energy, crime, and the border. Don’t try and pass abortion stuff. No impeachment stuff. Minimize investigations into Biden. That plays to the base, and ends up being a lot of inside baseball.

Lots Of Young People Took Long Fossil Fueled Flights To COP27 Or Something

They just want to save the world, you know

COP27: Without Greta, activists make waves at climate summit

Young people are a more powerful force than ever in the UN climate summit, the UN’s youngest climate advisor tells BBC News in Egypt.

“Young people are definitely shaping outcomes here at COP27,” Sophia Kianni says.

Swedish campaigner Greta Thunberg has skipped the Sharm el-Sheikh meeting, calling it a forum for “greenwashing”.

But young people from countries at high risk from climate change say they are “calling it out” from inside.

In an address on Tuesday, climate activist Vanessa Nakate from Uganda will tell governments to wash their “oil-stained” hands.

Speaking to G20 nations, she will tell ministers that they must end the “moral and economic madness” of funding fossil fuels and prioritising short-term politics.

Does no one in the media see the irony of Ms. Nakate, along with all the others, taking fossil fueled trips to complain about the use of fossil fuels? Did it even cross the minds of the reporters? Or, are they just altogether bought in on the climate cult?

Ayisha Siddiqa, 23, travelled from Pakistan to speak at the Youth Pavilion. It’s the first time young people have had a dedicated space like this, where last week activists held a formal meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

It’s one of the most buzzing areas of COP27, with activists jostling to find space to sit and chat on the floor, and Ayisha tells me she’s proud of the space.

“This is for the youth, organized by us. Unlike government and business areas, there’s no corporate branding everywhere,” she says.

So what are their degrees in? Anything? How about their business experience? Do they have a clue as to the way the world works?

Imran and his colleague Sohanur Rahmen explain they got grants for travel and hotels, but they cannot afford to eat at the conference.

Delegates faced costs of about $4,000 a week for accommodation, as well as the costs of travel and visas.

Activists say future climate summits must include special funds and accommodation for young people from civil society.

LOL, how cute. Someone else needs to pay for their climate cult activism.

The media is making a big deal of her. She took a fossil fueled trip all the way from Stanford. Who payed? It’s more fun scrolling through her twitter feed, seeing just how many clothes she brought, and how many times she changed them in just a few days. Like so many other of the youths, they’re turning it into an Instagram/TikTok event. Gotta get those selfies and videos, eh?

Good News: Diesel Supply Down To 25 Days

Well, enough of you decided to vote for the abortion party and got fooled by the “we’ll lose our democracy!!!!!” schtick, and, y’all just need to suck it up and deal with the escalating prices. Good job, idiots

The US has just 25 days of diesel supply — the lowest since 2008. Here’s why that’s more alarming than a dwindling ‘oil piggy bank’

The U.S. is facing a diesel crunch just as demand is surging ahead of winter — with only 25 days of supply left, according to the Energy Information Administration.

National Economic Council Director Brian Deese told Bloomberg TV that diesel inventories are “unacceptably low” and “all options are on the table” to bolster supply and reduce prices.

However, even as the stockpiles are being drained, the Biden administration seems to be left with very few sustainable options for long-term relief.

Unlike gas and jet fuel, demand for diesel recovered at a much faster pace from the pandemic. Diesel is used for transporting goods as well as powering construction, farming and military vehicles and equipment. (snip)

The market usually moves into “contango” — the opposite of backwardation, where demand is lower and suppliers build up inventory with the expectation of higher future prices — in the summer. However, strong domestic and international demand, shrinking domestic refining capacity and sanctions on Russian petroleum imports have kept the diesel market tight throughout the year.

So, what can be done?

If diesel inventory continues to run down without the government intervening, the impact on transportation costs for goods could drive inflation up even further.

Deese adds that the Fed has some tools to bolster diesel supply, like the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve, which houses one million barrels of diesel in case of a disruption in supplies.

So, digging into emergency reserves?

Experts have also pointed out that the current 25.8 days worth of diesel only represents what’s in storage — and doesn’t factor in the amount of distillate fuel being produced in the U.S. or imported here. Which means the country isn’t guaranteed to run out of diesel within a month.

But The Washington Post reports that diesel demand is so high, that if a million barrels of diesel were delivered from the Northeast reserves, they would be depleted in less than six hours.

It’s a little late, but, the government could authorize more refineries to be built. That would help. But, they idiot lefties have been destroying refining capacity for decades.

Climate Cultists Smash Tablets At Top Of Mt. Sinai

For those who do not know, there is a sort of official Mount Sinai. At the base is Saint Catherine’s Monastery, and then a long, high trail that leads to the summit, where there is a chapel and a mosque. Pilgrims make the long, arduous trek in the pre-dawn hours, wanting to be there as the sun rises. If you like Expedition Unknown, watch the episodes on Moses. And here we have supposed religious folks joining a cult

Activists smash tablets atop ‘Mount Sinai’ to launch faith-based climate push

An initiative to mobilize faith leaders worldwide to push governments to do more about climate change kicked off Sunday morning with an Israeli environmental activist smashing mock tablets of stone atop an Egyptian peak believed by many to be Mount Sinai, to symbolize the world’s failure to protect the planet.

The idea was hatched in the run up to the United Nations COP27 climate conference taking place in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, by solar energy entrepreneur Yosef Abramowitz and David Miron Wapner, who chairs the Jerusalem-based Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development.

The Sinai Climate Partnership, symbolically launched at the ceremony, brings together the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development, the Elijah Interfaith Institute, the Peace Department, the United Nations Faith for Earth Initiative, Abramowitz’s Gigawatt Global, and the Israeli environmental advocacy organization, Adam Teva V’Din.

After sunrise, Abramowitz and Wapner gathered at the summit together with Nigel Savage, the founder and former director of the US Jewish environmental organization Hazon, and his successor Jakir Manela, to read sections the Holy Land Declaration on Climate Change signed in 2011 by the multifaith Council of Religious Leaders of the Holy Land. Two teens from the US, there as part of Christian Climate Observers, joined the ceremony as well.

After the group read from a new draft list of “Ten Principles for Climate Repentance,” formulated by dozens of multifaith leaders meeting in London over the past few days, Abramowitz smashed two tablets on the ground.

You know, just like Moses gave us God’s 10 Commandments. This is beyond nuts, especially as we dip into the climate repentance stuff, which is very silly, if you go read it. Using this spot is insane.