Woke Pope Yammers On About Earth Being Sick From Hotcoldwetdry

If only he’d spend as much time on Christianity stuff, speaking for the unborn, preaching the Word of Jesus as he does on Woke stuff. And, maybe, not being part of a doomsday cult. He needs to choose which one he wants to be a part of

Pope Francis says Earth is ‘sick’ in new climate change warning

Pope Francis on Friday urged people around the world to better protect the environment, ahead of a 12-day trip to Southeast Asia next week in which the pontiff is expected to urge global action on climate change.

“If we took the planet’s temperature, it will tell us that the Earth has a fever. And it is sick,” the pontiff said in a video message. “We must commit ourselves to … the protection of nature, changing our personal and community habits.”

Francis releases a video message each month to announce his prayer intentions for that month. The intention for September is “for the cry of the Earth”.

The 87-year-old leader of the global Catholic Church leaves on Monday to visit Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore.

Well, that’s weird. Is he planning on taking this long trip by sailing ship? I suspect it would take quite a bit of time to get to those nations. But, you know, it seems that those who preach from Book Of Gore tend to be the worst offenders.

Boom Digity: IDF Kills Hamas Head In Jenin

I’m sure this has made the unhinged, Israel and Jew hating kids on college campuses upset, though, none will actually go to the Palestinian areas, especially the women and rainbow letters folks

IDF kills Wassem Hazem, head of Hamas in Jenin

Wassem Hazem, head of the Hamas terror organization in the West Bank area of Jenin, was killed on Friday in a joint IDF, ISA, and Israel Border Police counterterrorism operation in the northern Samaria area, Israel’s military announced shortly afterward.

Hazem was killed in his vehicle after an exchange of fire during the joint operation. His role in the terror group involved carrying out and directing shooting and bombing attacks.

Hazem continuously advanced terrorist activities in the Judea and Samaria area, the IDF added.

Following the elimination of Hazem, two additional terrorists, Maysara Masharqa and Arafat Amer, who were in the vehicle with him, attempted to flee the scene. However, shortly afterward, they were also killed by an IDF aircraft.

Meanwhile, the wackjobs are at it again

Berlin Holocaust memorial defaced: ‘Jews are committing genocide’

Berlin Holocaust memorial honoring non-Jews who protested against the persecution of their Jewish family members was vandalized with anti-Israel graffiti on Wednesday, according to the Berlin Police and European Jewish Congress.

“Jews are committing genocide,” was scrawled across the Rosenstrasse protest memorial according to EJC.

A Palestinian flag and the slogan “free Palestine” was spraypainted on the ground in front of the sculptures.

These people are assholes.

Kamala Drops Word Salad On ‘Climate Change’

Too bad Dana Bash didn’t ask her why she’s taking lots of fossil fueled travel instead of trains and EVs

Huh what?

(CNN) “How should voters look at some of the changes that you’ve made?” Bash asked Harris. “Is it because you have more experience now and you’ve learned more about the information? Is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary? And should they feel comfortable and confident that what you’re saying now is going to be your policy moving forward?”

Harris said despite the shifts in position, her values had not changed.

“I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed,” she said. “You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed – and I have worked on it – that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time.”

But, not holding herself to making her own carbon footprint neutral. It’s just word salad.

“My values have not changed. So that is the reality of it. And four years of being vice president, I’ll tell you, one of the aspects, to your point, is traveling the country extensively,” she said, pointing to her 17 visits to Georgia since becoming vice president. “I believe it is important to build consensus, and it is important to find a common place of understanding of where we can actually solve problems.”

Her, Biden, and their Democrat Comrades want to reduce your carbon footprint, not their own.

Surgeon General Super Excited To Make Things Worse For Stressed Parents

What could parents be stressed about? Kids? School? Or, maybe the poor economy and kids’ declined learning from the COVID lock-downs

Parents can’t function they’re so stressed, surgeon general warns

American parents need a bailout.

Suffering from stress, money woes and loneliness more than their childless peers, nearly half of parents can barely function, according to a new report from Surgeon General Vivek Murthy.

I thought the economy was great. Didn’t Kamala say that Bidenomics during the Biden-Harris administration was working?

Murthy says government aid, in the form of child tax credits, universal preschool, early childhood education programs, paid family and medical leave, paid sick time and investments in social infrastructure, can help. That’s in line with Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ campaign pitch, but GOP contender Donald Trump is also considering how to get more cash in parents’ pockets — an issue his running mate JD Vance has championed.

“The stress and the loneliness that parents are dealing with at a disproportionate level has real implications,” Murthy told POLITICO. “We’ve got to provide more financial support.”

Chronic and excessive stress caused in part by the bills they have to pay exacerbates parents’ mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety, and can hurt children’s development.

Four in 10 parents say they’re so stressed they can’t function most days, according to Murthy’s report, with two-thirds citing financial hardship.

Where does the money come from? And what will all this addition federal spending do for inflation? Why is it the government’s job to fund all the parents? Perhaps the government should get out of the way and reverse course so that conditions will be ripe for people to be able to afford to have the kids. Perhaps government should reduce spending, and focus on their core duties and responsibilities.

IDF Discovers Bomb Making Lab In West Bank Mosque

The Israel haters always seem to slur Israel for raiding mosques, for attacking, them, for blowing them up, but, the Israel haters keep forgetting about there being an actual reason for when it happens

IDF kills five terrorists in West Bank operation, discovers explosives lab in mosque

Five terrorists who were hiding inside a mosque were killed during a joint IDF, ISA, and Israeli Border Police counterterrorism operation in Tulkarm on Thursday, the IDF announced. Other terrorists were arrested.

One of the terrorists killed was Muhhamad Jabber, “Abu Shujaa,” the head of a terrorist network in Nur Shams, who was involved in the shooting attack that led to the murder of an Israeli civilian, Amnon Muchtar, in June, the IDF added.

The IDF also arrested a wanted Islamic Jihad terrorist in a refugee camp in Tulkarm on Wednesday night, Army Radio posted on X.

Muhammad Qassas is reportedly a senior terrorist operative in the Al Quds Brigade of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and was arrested while hiding in a mosque.

Islamic terrorists often hide and seek shelter in mosques

According to Palestinian reports, the IDF soldiers entered the refugee camp dressed in civilian clothes and proceeded to enter the mosque. Army Radio and Arab media reported that a shootout took place between terrorists and IDF, during which multiple terrorists were killed.

The IDF also discovered a laboratory for the manufacture of explosive devices and a terrorist operations room while searching inside the Abu Bakr al Siddiq Mosque in the Jordan Valley, IDF Arabic Spokesperson Avichay Adraee wrote on X early on Thursday morning.

Terrorists had used the mosque as a base to carry out terrorist attacks against IDF forces, Adraee said.

If you’re using what is supposed to be a holy place for making bombs, sheltering terrorists, and planning attacks, do not be surprised when it is attacked or blown up. Islamists see this as a holy war, as they have since the 8th Century. So, it’s no surprise they use mosques. Some of the bombs were “too dangerous to use or even move.” Too bad they didn’t go boom before the IDF went in. Would have save them some trouble.

Politico Seems Unclear That Kamala Harris Is Part Of The Biden-Harris Admin

You can’t demean these unhinged “journalists” enough


(Breitbart) In what is being described as stark “gaslighting” by many readers on social media, Politico published an article claiming that former President Donald Trump’s running mate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) “tried to tie Harris” to the Biden-Harris administration’s policies while speaking at a rally in Big Rapids, Michigan, on Tuesday.

In the piecePolitico reporter Mia McCarthy amusingly writes, “Speaking at a rally in Big Rapids, Michigan, former President Donald Trump’s running mate tried to tie Harris to the Biden administration’s policies.”

Politico’s X post was quickly issued a “Community Notes” correction advising the public that “Harris is currently President Biden’s Vice President.”

Vance also reacted to Politico’s post, writing, “The thing is: she’s Biden’s Vice President.”

In fairness, this was the tweet and in the article, not the actual headline of the piece, but, still, they’ve been running it as the Biden-Harris administration, not the Biden admin with Kamala as VP. She’s part and parcel of the policies. She cast the tie breaking vote in the Senate several times to push the agenda forward. She’s heavily featured on the White House website.

And then there’s this doozy from The Hill

Apparently, Kamala had nothing to do with the policies of the Biden-Harris administration. The Credentialed Media is acting like it’s 1992 and no one can actually dig stuff up.

Surprise: Harris Flip-Flops On EV Mandate

It’s a day for this, eh?

Maybe she doesn’t want to be forced into one herself?

(NY Post) It’s really not that easy being green.

Despite Vice President Kamala Harris championing outlawing gasoline-powered cars in her Senate days, her campaign claimed Tuesday she’s now opposed to electric vehicle mandates — yet another walkback on behalf of the California Democrat and possibly the biggest one of them all.

In a “fact check” email, Harris campaign rapid response director Ammar Moussa dismissed claims made by former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), about the veep’s readiness to “force every American to own an electric vehicle.”

“FACT: Vice President Harris does not support an electric vehicle mandate,” Moussa wrote.

What the “fact check” leaves out is that Harris, 59, co-sponsored legislation in April 2019 that sought to ban the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles by 2040.

Of course, there’s a big out in this, notably that the Biden-Harris admin and their Democrat Comrades refuse to call the EV mandate a mandate. They claim it cannot be a mandate when the law doesn’t specifically state the end of fossil fueled vehicles like the law in California does. It just sets the conditions where manufacturers pretty much have to ditch fossil fueled vehicles, including standard and plugin hybrids, and only make and sell EVs.

Of course, she does actually support the mandate for Other People, one that would give the Elites like Kamala the ability to still travel in large, fossil fueled limos and SUVs.

LOL: Cackles Harris Suddenly Wants To Build The Border Wall

Again, how do Axios “journalists” Alex Thompson and Hans Nichols write this without just calling it straight mule fritters? Flip-flopping? Seriously, does she even know where the Southern border is?

Harris flip-flops on building the border wall

If she’s elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border — a project she once opposed and called “un-American” during the Trump administration.

Why it matters: It’s the latest example of Harris flip-flopping on her past liberal positions such as supporting Medicare for All and banning fracking — proposals that aides say she now is against.

Harris is embracing a more hawkish immigration policy as Donald Trump’s campaign spends tens of millions of dollars attacking her about the border. (snip through discussion of the horrible border bill)

The bottom line: Like the wall itself, Harris’ changes on border policy reflect how Trump has shifted the political debate on immigration during the past decade.

It’s a complete lie. If she manages to win, she will never build any wall

(Breitbart) The pro-Kamala Harris gerbils at the far-left Axios are spreading the absurd lie Vice President CacklyMcNeverBorderCzar is now in favor of completing former President Trump’s southern border wall.

I’m told that when you enter the Axios offices, everyone has their own locker where they check in their self-respect.

“Harris flip-flops on building the border wall,” reads the lying headline (in an effort to protect democracy, I do not link disinformation).

(NY Post) Welcome to the Trump Train . . . Kamala Harris?

After years of slamming former President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall along the southern border, Harris is subtly co-opting his message to sell herself as a border hawk.

At her DNC speech, Harris pledged to bring back the border security bill killed in the Senate last year, which pledges hundreds of millions of dollars to expand the border wall, and sign it into law if elected.

And she used photos of already-built sections of the wall in an ad touting her record as a “border-state prosecutor.”

Harris hated the wall until about five seconds ago; in 2017, she called it a “stupid use of money” and vowed to “block any funding for it.”

In 2019, she slammed the “medieval vanity project” and promised, “I’m not going to vote for a wall under any circumstances.”

Yet, the Credentialed Media will do no more than call this a flip-flop, because they all know that she still believes her 2017 and 2019 statements.

Harris Goes After Trump On Economy And Inflation Or Something

It’s not often that a politics article gives me a good laugh. I’m not sure how Politico writer Adam Cancryn could write this. He must be a Believer

Harris goes after Trump on economy and inflation in new ad

Vice President Kamala Harris is trying to make up ground with voters who still give former President Donald Trump an edge on the economy, airing a new ad this week that attempts to go on offense on inflation.

The ad, titled “Everyday” and first shared with POLITICO, features clips of Harris’ speech earlier this month in North Carolina, where she unveiled a series of proposals aimed at making housing more affordable, targeting corporations over price gouging and expanding a tax credit for families.

“Prices are still too high,” Harris said. “I will be laser-focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that advance their economic security, stability and dignity.”

The spot, which will start running on Tuesday, is part of a $150 million ad blitz targeted at battleground states surrounding last week’s Democratic convention, and the second in the last few days to focus on cutting costs and taxes. An earlier 30-second ad made only broad references to bolstering the middle class; this newest, one-minute one outlines Harris’ main focus areas, while also attacking Trump by name as siding with “billionaires and large corporations.”

Shame Adam failed to mention

Where was her laser focus the past 3 1/2 years? Also at Politico

Hill Dems try to tamp down backlash to Harris’ grocery price gouging pitch

Under pressure to defend Kamala Harris’ grocery price gouging plan, some Democratic lawmakers are delivering a quiet message to anxious allies: Don’t worry about the details. It’s never going to pass Congress.

The Harris campaign’s proposal, unveiled as part of her first big economic policy speech, has become a focal point for her presidential rival, Donald Trump, and fellow Republicans, who claim she’s pushing “communist price controls.” It has also alarmed food industry officials and even some left-of-center economists, who’ve warned such policies can hurt more than they help.

A lot of Democrats, particularly those who are not wacko leftists, and have to deal with tough re-election campaigns, know that this policy, which Harris is still pushing (I heard the commercial here in Raleigh yesterday or today), is really bad for them, and they do not want to hitch their wagon to something being called a communist policy.