Utah Supreme Court Doesn’t Seem Interested In Taking Another Look At Climate (cult) Youts Case

The climate won’t give up. They’ll never give up on forcing Everyone Else to live their cult beliefs

Utah top court skeptical of reviving youth-led climate change case

Utah’s highest court on Wednesday appeared reluctant to revive a lawsuit by young people alleging the state was violating their right to life under the state’s constitution by adopting laws that contribute to climate change by promoting fossil fuel development.

Justices on the Utah Supreme Court questioned a lawyer for youth activists suing the state about whether striking down certain laws governing the permitting of oil, gas and coal mining projects would do anything to remedy the climate harms they are alleging given that new fossil fuel projects could still be approved.

“If we can’t say that granting the relief you seek would change even a single decision, then there wouldn’t be any impact on fossil fuel emissions,” Justice Diana Hagen asked the lawyer, Andrew Welle of the non-profit law firm Our Children’s Trust.

Hagen said even if the laws were stuck down, state regulators would still retain discretion to authorize future projects, which the plaintiffs have not sought an injunction to block.

Hagen and other members of the five-judge court suggested that was one of the many potentially fatal flaws of the young activists’ lawsuit that would warrant upholding a lower court judge’s 2022 decision to toss the case.

That judge, Robert Faust, had concluded the case raised a political question and that nothing in the state’s constitution would authorize a judicial remedy to address global climate change.

Too bad the judges didn’t ask the youts if they had all given up their own use of fossil fuels and made their lives carbon neutral. That should be the standard for anyone filing climate cult lawsuits.

Hamas Supporting Students Call For End Of United States

Those in the know have long ago learned that all these Muslim student organizations are simply props for the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic extremists, and taught the college kiddies all about diversity, multiculturalism, and Islamophobia, meaning that no one can condemn hardcore Islam, no one can criticize it, or offer anything negative that shows the issues, with the ultimate goal of eradicating Western nations. About that

This was from the National Students for Justice in Palestine, a Muslim Brotherhood linked group, full of lots of people who back Islamic terrorist groups. Heck, this 6 year old book will tell you everything you need to know about these terrorists. They want to eradicate America, and will do it through violence if necessary. They want to replace it with an Islamic caliphate. Why are we allowing so many of these students who are not natural born Americans to remain in the nation?


VCU students upset with demonstration policy changes

VCU students oppose new university policies, arguing that two changes were made without student input.

Anyone on campus wearing a facemask or hood must show their identification. Also being impacted is how and where students can protest.

“VCU decided to take the smallest form of expression and repress us,” said Sereen Haddad, the organizer of Wednesday’s walkout, a part of Students for Justice in Palestine group.

Yeah, well, if you don’t like it, head back to your Islamic extremist nation. And why would students get a say?

At the University of North Carolina, Teachers Attack Israel with the Lie of ‘Genocide’ and Students Threaten Violence

The 2024-25 school year has recently begun at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), where faculty members and students are continuing their anti-Israel activism and indoctrination.

In an email promoting a Sept. 6 event titled “Teach Palestine,” Nadia Yaqub — Professor in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies — wrote to her fellow UNC academics: “As the genocide against the people of Gaza continues, many of us feel we cannot proceed with our teaching as if nothing is going on.”

The event flier asks, “Are you concerned by the ongoing genocide in Gaza? Are you looking for ways to bring Gaza or Palestine/Palestinians in general into your courses?”

The non-Islamist supporters at UNC just want to learn the courses that they paid for.

And it continues across the country, with dumbass non-Islamists being brainwashed into hating Israel and Jews while learning to support Hamas and other terrorist groups.

UK To “Ration” Petrol Powered Vehicles

Well, when you let the government control your life, and then allow a doomsday cult to infiltrate and control the government, you have no room to complain

Petrol cars ‘rationed to meet eco targets’

Car makers are rationing sales of petrol and hybrid vehicles in Britain to avoid hefty net zero fines, according to one of the country’s biggest dealership chains.

Robert Forrester, chief executive of Vertu Motors, said manufacturers were delaying deliveries of cars until next year amid fears they will otherwise breach quotas set for them by the Government.

This means someone ordering a car today at some dealerships will not receive it until February, he said.

At the same time, Mr Forrester warned manufacturers and dealers were grappling with a glut of more expensive electric vehicles (EVs) that are “not easily finding homes”.

Manufacturers are having to play games because of government mandates, meaning some people who need a vehicle cannot get one for a while. Unless they want an expensive EV which will be tough to recharge, considering how many in the urbanized areas live in essentially townhomes and apartments with no garages.

He said: “In some franchises there’s a restriction on supply of petrol cars and hybrid cars, which is actually where the demand is.

“It’s almost as if we can’t supply the cars that people want, but we’ve got plenty of the cars that maybe they don’t want.

“They [manufacturers] are trying to avoid the fines. So they’re constraining the ability for us to supply petrol cars in order to try and keep to the government targets.”

You know how in many vehicles they have an auto engine idle, where it sounds like the engine is turning off? Some are more odious than others, but, regardless, that is not for you, the consumer. That’s so manufacturers can report slightly better fuel economy per vehicle, which ads up to avoid, or at least limit, fines and fees from some wacko state governments. You cannot permanently turn them off. This mandate is way worse, with government forcing dealers to limit their earning power and consumers not getting what they want to purchase.

But the scheme has prompted stark warnings from bosses at major brands, such as Vauxhall owner Stellantis and Ford, which have said they cannot sacrifice profits by selling EVs at large discounts indefinitely.

Instead, they have previously warned they may be forced to restrict petrol car supplies to artificially boost their ZEV mandate performance.

Well, hey, lots of you Brits voted for the Warmists in your government. Will you finally see the light? If you do, will you be able to do anything about it? Considering the cops come and arrest people for mean tweets and preaching Christianity in public (but, not Islam), you might have a tough time.

Wild: US Files Charges Against Senior Hamas Leadership

Well, those left alive after Israel sent them to Allah. And some who’ve learned whether they actually get 72 virgins

US files criminal charges against Hamas leadership, including Sinwar

The United States announced criminal charges on Tuesday against Hamas’ top leadership, including the militant group’s chief Yahya Sinwar, accusing them of leading efforts to kill civilians and destroy the state of Israel.

“As outlined in our complaint, those defendants — armed with weapons, political support, and funding from the Government of Iran, and support from Hezbollah — have led Hamas’s efforts to destroy the State of Israel and murder civilians in support of that aim,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement, Reuters reported.

The statement was posted on the Department of Justice’s X/Twitter account. (snip)

In his statement, Garland confirmed that the murder of American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, along with every other American Hamas has killed since October 7, is being investigated as acts of terrorism.

Well, Hamas is, after all, a US State Department designated terrorist organization, and has been since 1998.

The indictment described, among other things, that “at least 43 American citizens were among those murdered – and at least 10 Americans are missing, or kidnapped.” It also details the events of the October 7 massacre, as well as the Nova part massacre, and the terrorists’ invasion of Be’eri, Nir Oz, and other communities along the Gaza envelope.

Yet, so far, the Biden-Harris administration has done nothing but talk despite Hamas killing and kidnapping American citizens. Not even threats to Hamas. But, what happens now? The Jerusalem Post analysis says this is a good thing, and puts Hamas on notice that the US will no longer tolerate the terrorist activity. Will the US send law enforcement or military groups to get these terrorists and bring them back for trial? Will the US demand that nations, which have friendly relations with the US, giving shelter to the Hamas leaders take them into custody and turn them over to the US? Will the US use air strikes or other military actions?

And, how will this play with the pro-Hamas crowd backing Harris? What if Biden decides “screw it, they booted me, I’m taking the gloves off against Hamas”? Might that harm the support from the Jew and Israel haters who vote Democrat and support Islamic extremism?

“Experts” Say Climate Doom Will Make Bridges Fall Apart Like Tinkertoys Or Something

Another day, another prognostication of doom. Do any of the climate youts even know what tinkertoys are?

Climate Change Can Cause Bridges to ‘Fall Apart Like Tinkertoys,’ Experts Say

On a 95-degree day this summer, New York City’s Third Avenue Bridge, connecting the Bronx and Manhattan, got stuck in the open position for hours. As heat and flooding scorched and scoured the Midwest, a steel railroad bridge connecting Iowa with South Dakota collapsed under surging waters. In Lewiston, Maine, a bridge closed after the pavement buckled from fluctuating temperatures.

America’s bridges, a quarter of which were built before 1960, were already in need of repair. But now, extreme heat and increased flooding linked to climate change are accelerating the disintegration of the nation’s bridges, engineers say, essentially causing them to age prematurely.

The result is a quiet but growing threat to the safe movement of people and goods around the country, and another example of how climate change is reshaping daily life in ways Americans may not realize.

“We have a bridge crisis that is specifically tied to extreme weather events,” said Paul Chinowsky, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder who researches the effects of climate change on infrastructure. “These are not things that would happen under normal climate circumstances. These are not things that we’ve ever seen at this rate.”

A 1.6F increase in the global temperature is not going to doom all the bridges. This is a doomsday cult, though, so, there’s always something they can cray doom about.

Kamala Avoids Even Hearing Questions From Reporters With Earbuds

And, with the state of the Credentialed Media, will any actually push back on this?

(UK Daily Mail) Kamala Harris continues to avoid facing the media alone, drawing derision for wearing earbuds as the throngs of reporters tried to question her as she got on a plane Monday.

Harris – who took more than a month to give an interview with a major media outlet after announcing her run for president – was leaving Joint Base Andrews in Maryland to campaign across the midwest Monday and was filmed boarding her flight.

The vice president, with apple earbuds connected via a USB cable to her phone, salutes and shakes hands with a soldier as she board the plane.

People can be overheard trying to get Harris’ attention, but she simply waved dismissively and got on the flight, adjusting her earbuds to make sure they were fully in her ears as she did so.

Seriously, this is the person running for the most powerful position on Earth?

Americans/Jews/Israelis were just slaughtered by Hamas, and she not only can’t answer questions, but, wears headphones to avoid hearing questions? And, seriously, how old is her phone that she can use wired headphones? And, come on, it’s 2024, wired headphones?

The Harris campaign now looks ahead to the presidential debate on ABC on September 10.

Trump will provide a hostile environment which she has so far managed to avoid.

Jennings last night said: ‘She’s trying to skip a block of time, and at the debate, Trump [will] not allow it.’

If she thinks the media will be friendly and try and stop her from answering question, Trump will be right there. And, America will be watching her avoid answering.

Youts Have A Big Vote Decision: A Good Economy Or Climate (scam) Action

For a change, ‘climate change’ isn’t coming in last or almost last on a poll

Economic issues, climate change, gun violence and abortion are top of mind for young voters

Forty-one million members of Gen Z can vote in this year’s election, and money is on their minds.

Economic issues — including inflation, cost of living and jobs that pay a living wage — are top of mind for young people when it comes to the 2024 Presidential Election, according to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University.

“Young people have the potential to have a huge impact,” said CIRCLE Spokesperson Alberto Medina.

Yeah, but, they so often go missing from the voting booth

The percentage of youth, ages 18-34 year olds, who selected each issue as one of their top three priorities, according to CIRCLE’s poll —

  • Cost of living/inflation — 53%
  • Jobs that pay a living wage — 28%
  • Gun violence prevention — 26%
  • Addressing climate change — 26%
  • Expanding access to abortion — 19%
  • Fighting racism — 13%
  • Securing the border — 13%
  • Public education — 13%
  • Student loan debt — 12%
  • Reducing the national debt — 11%

Ella Douglas, an 18-year-old freshman at Ohio State University, said the economy is her top issue. “I care about where our money is going,” she said.

Well, if that’s what she and 53% care about as their top issue, why would they vote for Kamala, who’s presided over much more expensive housing, food, energy, and so much more? Inflation that has outpaced wages? Do they really care enough about ‘climate change’ to destroy their own economic well-being?

Denver Police Searching For Person(s) Who Put Up Sign About Illegal Aliens

They aren’t working hard to deal with all the crime by illegals/migrants, including the gang members, but, boy howdy, put up a sign and you’re in a heap of trouble

The Denver Post calls these signs “racist”, not understanding that the word doesn’t apply Hispanics, and, it’s so racist that they published a photo of the sign about Kamala’s illegals. Go figure. Anyhow

(KDVR) Community leaders gathered in Denver Friday to talk about racist signs popping up around the city. Leaders were frustrated and disappointed this hateful act happened in their neighborhood but were glad police acted swiftly to remove them.

“I was saddened yesterday when I saw these signs coming up,” said Sondra Young, president of the Denver Branch of the NAACP. “I was saddened for the fact that we say we want to make America great again, but we want to also spew hate and fear. We can’t make America great like that. I was saddened by the fact that people thought that this land is segregated and it’s not the land for all of us. It’s for all of our voices, our cultures, our ethnicities, our vernacular. This land was made for you and me.”

Aren’t these also the same people who have been complaining about the huge sums of taxpayer money being spent on the illegals, and how they’re bringing crime and squalor? Also, KDVR published the “racist” sign.

(Denver Police Chief) Thomas said police are not ready to talk about whether they have identified a suspect, but they are investigating the crime as a bias-motivated hate crime.

“At the very least, it is illegal to post signs on public or private property. I think what we are looking at very seriously are some bias-motivated state crimes that have much more serious punishments,” Thomas told a group of reports after the press conference. “Ultimately, it will be the district attorney that will make those charging decisions, but we will investigate this very vigorously as a bias-motivated hate crime.

“We are following a number of significant leads,” Thomas continued. “I think fostered by video evidence that we have and other evidence that we have, have helped us kind of narrow in on some individuals. We hope to make some positive identifications and continue to work with the district attorney. I’m hoping that we can hold someone accountable here fairly soon.”

Under Colorado law, it is a Class one misdemeanor, carrying a penalty of up to a year in jail.

I’m pretty sure that this form of protest is covered by the US 1st Amendment, and Article II, Section 10 of the Colorado Constitution. I know liberals are not particularly happy with allowing people to have free speech and the ability to protest unless said person agrees with the liberal position 100%.

Happy BidenHarrisflation Labor Day Weekend!

Joe Biden’s intern is happy to post this

Wait, how is Brandon supposed to build 3 million homes by the end of January? They can’t even get 9 EV charging stations built. And no high speed internet hookups completed. As for inflation, he and Kamala helped cook it, and

No ‘Joy’ on Labor Day: Inflation Sends Cost of Cookouts Soaring

Americans are feeling less “joy” when firing up their grills and getting their marinades ready this Labor Day weekend, realizing that some of the classic barbecue staples are costing them a lot more.

It all begins with firing up the grill, which will cost more than it did three and a half years ago. According to data from the Bureau of Labor statistics, the price of propane, kerosene, and firewood has risen 16 percent from January 2021 to July 2024.

Staples of the basic all-American cookout are up too, meaning hamburgers and hotdogs are going to cost you. According to Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, the price of ground beef has risen 26 percent since January 2021, when former President Donald Trump left the White House.

Similarly, hotdogs are 25 percent higher than they were in January 2021. The price of chicken has also jumped since Biden and Harris came on the scene. Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, not seasonally adjusted, shows the price of fresh and frozen chicken parts 23 percent higher now than when Trump left office in January 2021. Matters are worse if Americans are looking to roast a whole chicken for their long weekend, as a fresh whole chicken is up 27 percent since January 2021.

And if friends and family are forgoing low carb trends and want to pair their barbecue delicacy with a roll, it is going to cost even more. Fresh biscuits, rolls, and muffins in the U.S. have risen 28 percent since Biden and Harris took office.

Side dishes, spices, lettuce, salad dressing, and beer are all up. So, people can vote for a guy they hate who does well on the economy, understands how it works, and wants you to have better costs without the government controlling everything, or, the lady who supercharged the issues as the economy was re-opening.