Why Are Capitol Police Arresting Protesters?

OK, they’re Very Stupid people, but,  regardless of my opinion of their politics, they are engaged in their 1st Amendment Right to protest peaceably and petition for redress of grievance. On the steps of the U.S. Capitol, pretty much the main point of those provisions. Protesting government. Especially Congress.

There’s a quote at the top of my blog saying “If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all,” which is, interestingly, from super-leftist Noam Chomsky (who doesn’t really practice what he says). Perhaps it should be “If we don’t believe in the 1st Amendment for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.” Who are they bothering? Are they really doing anything but sitting there and singing and calling out? And freezing, but, that’s their problem. Let them protest. If I was in D.C. I’d be tempted to go sit with them just to get arrested and say “I don’t agree with them, but, they have the Right to do this.”

Climate Cult: Forget The Electric Vehicles You Can’t Afford. People Need To Drive Less

Or, the climate cultists could simply mind their own business and stop trying to force everyone to Comply. Maybe stop using fossil fueled vehicles in their own lives

Letters to the Editor: Electric cars aren’t a climate change panacea. We need to drive less

To the editor: Electric cars shouldn’t be regarded as the silver-bullet solution to lowering automobile emissions. While they don’t run on gas, their batteries create their own set of environmental problems. (“California isn’t on pace to meet its climate targets. Here are 3 ways to cut pollution faster,” editorial, Dec. 19)

What we need is to use our cars less. We have to stop looking at cars as the only viable option to get from Point A to Point B. We can start by carpooling to work, taking the bus to run an errand and riding a bike for short trips.

A few tweaks in our driving habits can go a long way toward reducing our carbon footprint, electric or not.

What’s this “we”, Sparky? I do not see many Warmists doing this in their own lives. I haven’t met many EV owners who are doing it due to ‘climate change’. I mean, good grief, they have barely rolled out pushing for everyone to be forced to drive an EV (which most cannot afford) and now we have to get rid of them.

To the editor: There seems to be a delusion among those who formulate climate policy that if they set a pollution reduction mandate, it will surely happen.

The mandates and targets never have the supporting, well-conceived, detailed plan for how to reach the goals. Broad guidelines like “increasing the percentage of zero-emission vehicles sold” are made, but they rarely have the how-to specifics.

The populace gives lip service to climate goals while legislators avoid the draconian measures that would be required.

Let’s face it: There is no way that California will meet its legal mandate to cut emissions 40% below 1990 levels by 2030.

Where are the concrete, specific goals from Warmists in their own lives to cut their own emissions? But, really, this person’s point is correct: most in government do not have real plans, probably because even the most hardcore realize they can’t make them happen.

Meanwhile, here are 22 of the “most anticipated” EVs (you have to look at the Canoo Lifestyle vehicle. Very silly looking). For those with pricing, the least is $34470. Most are way, way more. That’s affordable, right? And, while stocks soared in 2021, they’re expected to go way down in 2022. Because anticipation is not the same as people actually buying them. They’re toys for the upper middle class and rich.

Surprise: NPR Says Cloth Masks Don’t Protect People From Chinese Coronavirus

The media has been telling us for over a year and a half that masks are awesome, just wear a mask. Any mask. Once in a while they’ll do a study that shows the effectiveness of most masks is barely better than not wearing a mask at all, but, those are minimized. And now NPR is really letting the cat out of the bag

From the screed

With another coronavirus variant racing across the U.S., once again health authorities are urging people to mask up indoors. Yes, you’ve heard it all before. But given how contagious omicron is, experts say, it’s seriously time to upgrade to an N95 or similar high-filtration respirator when you’re in public indoor spaces.

“Cloth masks are not going to cut it with omicron,” says Linsey Marr, a researcher at Virginia Tech who studies how viruses transmit in the air.

Omicron is so much more transmissible than coronavirus variants that have come before it. It spreads at least three times faster than delta. One person is infecting at least three others at a time on average, based on data from other countries. (snip)

True, a cloth mask can be a “marginally OK to maybe a decent filter,” Marr says. But with something as highly transmissible as omicron, just “OK” isn’t good enough. (snip)

Given all this, you want a mask that means business when it comes to blocking viral particles. Unlike cloth masks, N95, KN95 and KF94 respirators are all made out of material with an electrostatic charge, which “actually pulls these particles in as they’re floating around and prevents you from inhaling those particles,” Karan notes. “And that really is key” — because if you don’t inhale virus particles, they can’t multiply in your respiratory tract.

The material in surgical masks also has an electrostatic charge. But surgical masks tend to fit loosely, and a snug fit — with no gaps around nose, cheeks or chin — “really makes a big difference,” says Marr, who has studied mask efficacy.

Omicron may be more transmittable, but, it is also way less dangerous, way less deadly, than previous variants, especially Delta. But, we already knew that cloth masks had around a 10% effectiveness rate at stopping any version last year. Now they want everyone to wear higher end masks, which are not in abundance. All while few areas and states are requiring masks. It is very weird being in NJ and there is no mask mandate, most people are walking around without one in stores.

Wachter says he’s also covering up indoors with small groups of friends and family unless everyone is vaccinated and boosted. If they’re not boosted, he says, “I consider them to be somewhere between vaccinated and unvaccinated, and I act appropriately if I’m going to be around them.” That means he either has everyone mask up, or he has everyone take a rapid test to make sure no one is infectious at that moment. “One or the other.” This is especially important if anyone attending is high-risk.

And then it’ll be “if you haven’t had a second booster, you’re somewhere between vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Marr says that with omicron surging, she’d have kids wear respirators if possible when they’re indoors in public spaces. Parents searching for good respirator options for their children can check out the work of Aaron Collins, aka “Mask Nerd,” a mechanical engineer with a background in aerosol science. He’s been testing the filtration efficiencies of hundreds of masks and respirators on the market. You can find his reviews on his YouTube channel. (This spreadsheet on kids’ masks may also be helpful.)

And they want to drag kids into their mask hysteria.

Brandon Makes Holders Of Student Loan Debt Mad

Biden is just working hard to make everyone mad

Biden says Americans must be ready to resume student loan payments next year, clashing with Democrats like AOC urging him to cancel the debt

President Joe Biden on Wednesday extended a pause on student loan payments that was set to expire on February 1, a decision praised by Democratic lawmakers who pressured him to make the move as the coronavirus pandemic continues to disrupt American lives.

But at the same time, Biden signaled that he wants borrowers to resume paying off their loans once the new moratorium ends on May 1, placing him at odds with Democrats who have demanded that debt be wiped out.

“[We] know that millions of student loan borrowers are still coping with the impacts of the pandemic and need some more time before resuming payments,” Biden said in a statement. “Given these considerations, today my Administration is extending the pause on federal student loan repayments for an additional 90 days — through May 1, 2022 — as we manage the ongoing pandemic and further strengthen our economic recovery.”

No one is pausing you and I having to pay our mortgages, car loans, and other stuff. Loans we took out voluntarily. Same with student loans. They knew they had to pay them, yet, they often took them and either got a degree not worth the paper or obtained too much debt to repay properly. That’s their problem. Of course, you can’t simply repossess the degree. Provided they even obtained it. Why should they be given relief? Get a job? Work two. There should be no extension. Biden is correct that they should start paying. He shouldn’t extend this. Because you know the loan recipients will next get him to further extend it.

Under what statutory authority is there to extend the pause on repaying legal debt to creditors? Perhaps if the loans are from the federal government, not just the ones backed by Los Federales but owned by private companies.

“Meanwhile, the Department of Education will continue working with borrowers to ensure they have the support they need to transition smoothly back into repayment and advance economic stability for their own households and for our nation,” the president continued. “As we are taking this action, I’m asking all student loan borrowers to do their part as well: take full advantage of the Department of Education’s resources to help you prepare for payments to resume; look at options to lower your payments through income-based repayment plans; explore public service loan forgiveness; and make sure you are vaccinated and boosted when eligible.”

Wait, what was that last part? Did that need to be there?

Biden’s comments put him on a collision course with progressive lawmakers vowing to increase pressure on the administration to cancel student-loan debt for millions of borrowers. Americans owe an estimated $1.7 trillion in student loans, a record-breaking total, according to Federal Reserve data.

“Thank you! Next step: cancellation,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York tweeted along with a video of Biden’s announcement.

“I applaud President Biden for once again pausing federal student loan payments for 45 million Americans. Now let’s cancel it. All of it,” Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont tweeted.

A government of Men, not law.

AOC, NY Dems Unhappy Over “Peaker” Power Plants

See, these types of plants are rather necessary for peak power loads, especially as efficient, effective, low cost, reliable power plants are shuttered

Three House Democrats ask watchdog to probe ‘peaker’ power plant pollution

Three House Democrats from New York on Tuesday called on a federal watchdog to investigate pollution generated by “peaker” power plants, or those that only generate electricity during periods of high demand.

House Oversight Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) joined Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.) in calling on the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to investigate the effects of such plants on local communities.

The lawmakers noted that the plants are both less energy-efficient than standard power plants and are frequently located in lower-income or predominantly minority neighborhoods.

“Addressing the use of peaker plants, which can emit twice the carbon and up to 20 times the nitrous oxides of a typical plant while operating significantly less efficiently, represents a high-impact opportunity to reduce climate risks and tackle a life-threatening environmental justice issue,” they wrote. “We request GAO’s assistance in reporting on key data to assess damage, uncover health burdens, calculate economic costs, and identify alternative solutions to the use of peaker power plants.”

A couple points here. First, why is this the business of the federal government in the first place? This is clearly a state issue, regardless of Los Federales wanting to make ‘climate change’ a thing. This is all about New Yorkers having the power necessary to Do Life. Second, here are 3 federal representatives wanting to make sure that their constituents, along with all the other residents of NY, are short on power. All while they spend most of their time in D.C. How about investigating peaker plants in D.C.? Or would that be inconvenient for AOC, Maloney, and Clarke?

There are 89 peaker plants in New York City alone, including 28 in or near Maloney’s district and 16 in Ocasio-Cortez’s district. An area in western Queens with a number of such plants has become known as “Asthma Alley” due to its disproportionate rates of the respiratory condition.

Wwll, hey, y’all in NYC voted for these Socialist lunatics, so, you’re willing to give up all that power generation, right?

St. Greta Chimes In On UN’s Doomy Climate Report

It’s nice to hear from a climate scientist like St. Greta, eh? Oh, right, she mostly blew off school, and has zero degrees. I thought her 15 minutes was up, that the Credentialed Media had used her up and spit her out, but, I guess she’s still a Useful Idiot

Greta Thunberg: Dire U.N. climate report confirms ‘we are in an emergency

The Swedish teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg said she wasn’t surprised by a blistering report released Monday by the United Nations, which concluded that the Earth is warming at a rate faster than previously thought and that the window to avoid a climate catastrophe is rapidly closing.

The report, issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, warned that the climate crisis is a “code red for humanity.”

“The new IPCC report contains no real surprises,” Thunberg tweeted. “It confirms what we already know from thousands [of] previous studies and reports — that we are in an emergency. It’s a solid (but cautious) summary of the current best available science.

“It doesn’t tell us what to do,” she added. “It is up to us to be brave and take decisions based on the scientific evidence provided in these reports. We can still avoid the worst consequences, but not if we continue like today, and not without treating the crisis like a crisis.”

What’s this “we” stuff? Most climate cultists refuse to do much more than change a few lightbulbs. It’s not science, it’s activism. What is it telling “us” to do?

What The U.S. Can Do About The Dire Climate Change Report


Climate scientist Allison Crimmins heads the National Climate Assessment, a government report that evaluates how the U.S. is doing on issues related to climate change. She spoke with NPR’s Noel King about her takeaways from today’s report. (snip)

“It’s not a policy statement but just a scientific statement, that if we want to limit global warming and we want to limit those sorts of impacts that are affecting Americans right now, we need strong rapid, sustained reductions in carbon dioxide and in methane and in other greenhouse gasses,” she says. (snip)

Crimmins says the report confirms that it’s going to require “significant, sustained action” to cut down on emissions.

She envisions that action as a combination of standards, investments and justice.

“I think we can hit these sort of emission targets and transform our energy system, transform the way we use energy and the way we get around, our transportation, the way we run our homes,” she says. “And I think we can do that while also making a safer, healthier, more just future.”

In other words, the government is going to force people to change their lives. They’re going to act as dictators. There will be a hell of a lot of surprised climate cultists, who expected the Bad Things to apply to Other People, not themselves.

Fauci Expects A Lot Of Vaccine Mandates Once FDA Approval Is Achieved

Sometimes Dr. Doom is correct, sometimes he’s not. Sometimes he’s political…OK, most of the time he’s political. And a mask hypocrite. But, he’s probably 80% correct on this

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Expect ‘a flood’ of COVID-19 vaccine mandates after full FDA approval

As soon as the Food and Drug Administration issues a full approval for a COVID-19 vaccine, there will be “a flood” of vaccine mandates at businesses and schools across the nation, Dr. Anthony Fauci told USA TODAY’s editorial board on Friday.

Mandates aren’t going to happen at the federal level, but vaccine approval will embolden many groups, he predicted.

“Organizations, enterprises, universities, colleges that have been reluctant to mandate at the local level will feel much more confident,” he said.

“They can say, ‘If you want to come to this college or this university, you’ve got to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this plant, you have to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this enterprise, you’ve got to get vaccinated. If you want to work in this hospital, you’ve got to get vaccinated.'”

He is surely correct on this. There will be lots of companies and private entities which will look towards vaccine mandates once the EPA approves the vaccines. Whether that will be be straight up “get it or you’re out” or “get it or be subject to week/bi-weekly testing” remains to be seen. I know of several companies, including mine, where the upper levels have discussed or are discussing mandates. They are legally allowed to do so now, but, there could be issues, legally, with the vaccines being in emergency use status. That’s where lots of educational institutions of all levels, local, county, and state mandates, and the potential Department of Defense, mandates get in trouble: emergency use. Even requiring visitors to show vaccination can be tricky due to emergency use status.

Once you get EPA approval, all that ends. Fauci is wrong regarding the federal level, since the DOD is already considering, and the White House requires all visitors to be vaccinated. They’ve also required international travelers to be vaccinated or be tested. The feds, from the White House to Congressional Dems to the CDC and more will surely push hard for schools and private entities to instituted a vaccine mandate of some sort.

Because in the current political environment that won’t happen, Fauci said masks are the next best thing. Schools are crucial for children’s mental health and intellectual, physical and social development, so it’s important they stay open.

“I would rather have a child be a little bit uncomfortable with a mask on and be healthy than a comfortable child without a mask in an ICU,” he said. “It just doesn’t make any sense to me why you would want to not protect the children.”

And how many times have we seen Fauci without a mask in violation of his beliefs? And, heck, Joe Biden’s executive order. Same with Biden, Jen Psaki, and other Biden admin members?

The epidemic in the United States could be ended once and for all if everyone would get vaccinated, Fauci said. Barring that, he worries we’re in it for the long term.

Even if 100% are vaccinated, COVID19 will still be here. And people will still get it, as the Delta variant has broken through. And the vaccines were only around 94-96% effective in stopping infection. You just do not get full on COVID symptoms. They’re working on developing oral pills, which would be great. But, yeah, mandates are coming.

Store Owner Goes Off On Abusive Gender Confused: “You’re Not A Chick”

A big problem with today’s society is not just that so many want to be Victims: they want to force their opinions and beliefs on everyone else. They want Compliance. Acceptance is secondary, if even part of the equation. Too many want to get involved rather than just moving on, living and let live. Yes, there are times you should get involved, like, if you see a serious crime. These nags see everything as a serious crime

‘You are not a chick’: Video shows argument between trans councilwoman and store owner over anti-transgender sign

A Star Wars shop owner in Washington doesn’t “give a s***” about feelings anymore after a confrontation with a transgender councilwoman.

Councilwoman Tiesa Meskis, a biological male who identifies as a woman, confronted Don Sucher over a sign in his store that she said was offensive and anti-trans on Wednesday.

“If you are born with a d***, you are not a chick,” read the sign posted at the Sucher & Sons Star Wars Shop.

Meskis described the sign as offensive and requested Sucher to remove it.

She entered the store and confronted Sucher before he asked her to leave, which she did, a video of the incident showed.

The sign is scientifically correct. It’s at a private business. This is none Councilman Meskis’ business. You know he went there intentionally in order to cause a problem, force his mentally deranged opinion, and then play the Victim.

The argument poured onto the streets as the two can be seen yelling at one another.

“Trans women are women,” Meskis said in the video she posted online.

“You’re nuts,” Sucher said in response during the five-minute confrontation.

“I don’t care what they do, but don’t come in here and complain to me about stuff,” Sucher told KING 5, a local news station, after the incident. “I have free speech.” (snip)

“I don’t give a **** about feelings anymore,” he added. “I’m 70 ******* 8. I went to Vietnam to fight for all this ****. Do you think I care about some a******’s feelings? Absolutely not!”

Good for him, not backing down.

“What he wrote there was so demeaning and so dismissive of who I am, who any trans woman is,” Meskis said.

So what? Get over it. That’s life.

I haven’t been able to find out where the video came from. Did Meskis have someone filming, meaning it was a setup? And he and his Antifa Comrades plan to harass the owner