The Lexington Herald-Leader makes another exception to the McClatchy Mugshot Policy . . . for a cute (?) white girl * Updated! *

Emily Darnell lives in Paducah Kentucky, at the far western end of the Bluegrass State. A story about a non-lethal stabbing, a domestic violence episode in the county seat of McCracken County, wouldn’t normally attract much interest in the Lexington Herald-Leader, but in this very ordinary case, it was ‘important’ enough for one of the […]

I’ve said it before: when it comes to murder, The Philadelphia Inquirer is much more concerned about cute little white girls

I have previously noted what I called the racism of The Philadelphia Inquirer, and have noted, many times, that unless a murder victim is someone already of note, or a cute little white girl,[1]When accessed in September 21, 2021, at 2:05 PM EDT, the search returned 4,548 results. the editors of the Inquirer don’t care, […]

Being taught about white privilege, by The Philadelphia Inquirer

It has been pointed out countless times on The First Street Journal that The Philadelphia Inquirer only cares about individual homicides when the victim is an ‘innocent,’ a person already of some note, or a cute little white girl. And so it has been with the killing of Josh Kruger.

Killadelphia: The city’s white, liberal elite were appalled at Josh Kruger’s murder, but didn’t even notice the killings of four ‘nobodies.’ I am not surprised in the least.

We have noted, really too many times to note all of them, that The Philadelphia Inquirer is not really concerned about individual homicides in the City of Brotherly Love unless an ‘innocent,’ someone already of some note, or a cute little white girl is the victim. On Monday morning, it was reported that Josh Kruger, […]

Being taught about white privilege, by The Philadelphia Inquirer

Yup, I called it! So, since an “innocent” was killed, the @PhillyInquirer will cover the story, right? — Dana Pico (@Dana_TFSJ) September 22, 2022 I’ve said it before: The Philadelphia Inquirer doesn’t care about homicides in the City of Brotherly Love unless the victim is an ‘innocent,’ someone already of some note, or a cute little white girl. I noted […]

Being taught about white privilege, by The Philadelphia Inquirer

As a white guy who grew up poor, I will admit to not having accepted the concept of #WhitePrivilege. As a now-resident in eastern Kentucky, a poor area with a population roughly 98% white, it’s sometimes difficult to see a whole lot of white privilege around me. When I lived in Pennsylvania, in Carbon County, […]

The “anti-racist” Philadelphia Inquirer shows how much it values white lives over black ones

We have previously noted that the vast majority of homicide victims in Philadelphia are black, but when one black gang banger kills another black gang banger, it isn’t really news anymore, not to the Inquirer. Instead, the paper paid more attention to the accidental killing of Jason Kutt, a white teenager shot at Nockamixon State Park, an hour outside of the city. That’s […]

As nearly as I can tell, black lives don’t matter to The Philadelphia Inquirer unless they are taken by a white police officer.

When you have been married for 41 years, 11 months and 7 days, as my wife and I have — but who’s counting, right? — a six-month anniversary seems pretty inconsequential, something that you remember like six-months of dating or you first six months of being married.[1]Actually, we got married just six months and two […]

Is The Philadelphia Inquirer shading stories to fit Teh Narrative? Are victims painted by the Inky perhaps not quite as innocent as the newspaper portrays them?

I have said it many times before: city homicides, individually, are not of much interest to The Philadelphia Inquirer unless the victim is an “innocent,” someone already of some note, or a cute white girl. But has the Inky been making innocents of victims who might not fit into that category quite so well. As […]