Jonathan Zimmerman, get your head out of the clouds! Well heeled Ivy League professor wants Ivy League students to forget high paying "sellout jobs", go into social justice fields, and then whine on TikTok about how underpaid they are

We have previously noted University of Pennsylvania professor of education and history and Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Jonathan Zimmerman on several occasions. Dr Zimmerman has been very supportive of the freedom of speech, but he’s just managed to miss the point in his latest writing. The biggest problem at Penn is matching what we say about […]

When he says we must listen to students, it needs to be all that the students say!

The Great Valley Middle School case in Malvern, Pennsylvania, has mostly faded from the news. As The Philadelphia Inquirer reported, some students created 22 faked TikTok accounts, “some depicting racist, homophobic, or sexually inappropriate content” that were attributed to teachers. On Monday morning, Inquirer columnist Jonathan Zimmerman, pondered how to maintain freedom of speech for […]

Once again, The Philadelphia Inquirer pegs the irony meter

I have previously written about the fact that the credentialed media rarely actually lie to us, but tend to conceal facts that might not fit in well with Teh Narrative. Did Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Jonathan Zimmerman not know about Stan Wischnowski, or simply forget, or was he told not to mention him? What universities can […]

Money talks

Our nation’s third oldest continuously published daily newspaper, The Philadelphia Inquirer, loaded up with the #woke as it is, has yet another story defending the University of Pennsylvania’s departing President, Liz Magill, who was forced out after she made a boneheadely stupid, as in dumb as a box of rocks stupid, statement in testimony to […]

The Inky’s Editorial Board have weighed in: they think that genocide of the Jews is a subject for debate

This website has expended considerable bandwidth documenting the anti-Semitism on college campuses, the University of Pennsylvania in particular, and we have noted that, following the firing resignation of Penn’s President, Liz Magill, over her idiotic testimony in Congress, The Philadelphia Inquirer has been engaged in a half-hidden support of Dr Magill’s “context dependent” testimony, calling […]

A university professor right in theory, but wholly wrong in the real world

It is a famous aphorism that freedom of speech does not protect yelling, “Fire!” in a crowded theater, but as is frequently the case with aphorisms, the ‘general truth’ contained therein is often not completely accurate. The First Amendment states that Congress — and now extended to cover state and local governments — shall make […]

Money talks When you piss off your donors, they might just choose not to continue to give you money!

The First Street Journal has covered the backlash of deep-pockets donors against the outbreak of anti-Semitism on our college campuses. Now it seems as though the colleges are very upset when those deep-pocket donors exercise their freedom of speech. From The Philadelphia Inquirer: Penn’s donor backlash raises questions about how much influence philanthropists should have […]

Your #FreedomOfSpeech doesn’t include requiring other people to pay for it

It’s an old, old saw: the freedom of speech does not protect you if you yell, “Fire!” in a crowded theater. Simply put, the freedom of speech does not protect anyone from the consequences of their speech. The Biden Administration certainly agreed with that, hating the idea that the riff-raff could challenge the Accepted Wisdom […]