Our good friends on the left would have people believe that the poor, oppressed ‘undocumented’ residents in our country are all just sweetness-and-light, good, people working hard to make a living. Well, when the liberally-oriented Lexington Herald-leader starts pointing out that those apprehended in the Bluegrass State might not be among our better angels, perhaps some of us might doubt the meme the left are presenting.
Kentucky isn’t the largest state in the union, but it’s good to see that we’re not being ignored in Operation Take Back America.
16 people federally indicted on criminal immigration charges in Kentucky
By Christopher Leach | Friday, March 21, 2025 | 11:19 AM EDT
A federal grand jury in Kentucky on Wednesday indicted 16 people on criminal immigration charges, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Fourteen of the suspects were indicted for illegal reentry after deportation or removal. Four of the 16 were also charged with possession of a firearm by an illegal alien, according to the office.
The suspects are between 28 and 54 years old and are from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico, according to the attorney’s office. Several of them were denied admission, excluded, deported and removed from the United States two previous times.
The four charged with illegal possession were all from Louisville; that offense carried a maximum sentence if fifteen years; illegal re-entry following deportation carries a maximum sentence of two years. Two of the four were previously deported. All of the indicted were male.
If you are in the United States illegally, you have to know that it is illegal for you to carry a firearm; the four men who were carrying were almost certainly doing so for additional criminal reasons.
These guys aren’t somehow good people who were seeking a better life; if they re-entered following a previous exclusion, they are felons. The last thing we need are felons in this country.
With one exception, all were apprehended between March 10th and 13th, all apprehended since President Trump took office and began the crackdown on illegals. The sole exception, Zoiber Hernandez-Dominguez, 50, a Mexican citizen, was arrested on December 16, 2024 on the firearms violation.
Had we been foolish enough to have elected Kamala Harris Emhoff, all other than Mr Hernandez-Dominguez would still be free as the birds, still be felons living in the United States illegally.
Well, how about that? Within just a few minutes of posting the comment shown to the left, it was “deactivated” by someone, even though all I did was tell the truth.
What my late best friend used to call the Herald-Liberal just can’t handle the truth!
These guys aren’t somehow good people who were seeking a better life; if they re-entered following a previous exclusion, they are felons. The last thing we need are felons in this country.
Besides your tautology, how do you know they aren’t “good people who were seeking a better life”?