Pro-Hamas Groups Sued Over Traffic Blockades

In a sane world, the people blocking roads would be arrested, charged, prosecuted, and given some sort of punishment, even if it is a bunch of community service, with penalties escalating if they are caught doing it again. What we’ve mostly seen is the Jew haters mostly just let go. So

Anti-Israel Groups Hit With Class Action Lawsuit Over Coordinated Traffic Blockade

Several anti-Israel organizations that formed an illegal blockade across the highway leading to Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport are facing a class action lawsuit from travelers who were trapped in the traffic jam.

Left-wing groups, including the Tides Center—a George Soros-funded dark money network—Community Justice Exchange, and National Students for Justice in Palestine, among others, coordinated a “multi-city economic blockade” on April 15 targeting major airports, highways, and bridges. In one instance, activists shut down access to O’Hare, backing up traffic and forcing some travelers to walk with their luggage to the airport.

Keffiyeh-clad activists handcuffed themselves, linked arms with drain pipes, and later sat side-by-side on Interstate 190 leading to the Chicago airport. The Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute filed a lawsuit on Monday against the organizers for “imprisoning” thousands of travelers in vehicles on their way to O’Hare, according to the complaint.

But, were these protests protected by the 1st as peaceable? Also Article 1 Section 5 of the Illinois Constitution.

Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute cofounder and litigation director Ted Frank told the Washington Free Beacon the First Amendment does not protect criminal activity.

“These sorts of abusive roadblocking tactics have been used with impunity over the last few years, and the organizations seem to think that they can do that too,” Frank said.

“But when you injure people, when you commit torts against individual people, there’s not just criminal enforcement, but also civil enforcement,” he added. “We hope that this lawsuit vindicates that principle, vindicates the rights of the people who were adversely affected, encourages other such lawsuits, and discourages such tactics in the future.”

Too bad the suits can’t force the government to deport all those who are not natural born back to their Islamist nations. Or, just, out of the U.S.

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