Going to jail for telling the truth? That’s what Europeans risk! "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." — George Orwell, 1984

In 1984, country music singer Lee Greenwood released his song, “God Bless the USA.” I was reminded of that song, when I read the article below, and the stanza:

I’m proud to be an American
Where at least I know I’m free
And I won’t forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I’d gladly stand up next to you
And defend Her still today
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt
I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.

The article?

Transgender Spanish Actor Sues French Politician For Calling Him A “Man”

By Genevieve Gluck | Saturday, June 1, 2024

Spanish actor Karla Sofía Gascón, a trans-identified male previously known as Juan Carlos, has filed a legal complaint against French politician Marion Maréchal, alleging she committed hate speech by calling him a “man.” Maréchal could face one year in prison and a €300,000 fine (£255,300) if found guilty.

On May 26, Maréchal, the head of France’s Reconquête! party for the European elections, made a comment on social media about Gascón after it was announced that he had won an award for “Best Actress” at the Cannes Film Festival. Gascón had won the award for his role in ‘Emilia Pérez,’ wherein he plays the titular role as a ruthless Mexican drug lord who decides to “transition” in order to evade law enforcement.

“So a man has received the prize at Cannes for… female performance. Progress for the left is the erasure of women and mothers,” wrote Maréchal in response to the news of Gascón’s win.

Apparently in Europe, a politician can face up to a year in jail for telling the truth!

Well, sort of the truth. Juan Carlos is most certainly a male, but it’s clear that he isn’t actually a man. The rest of this article is below the fol, because I have included Mr Greenwood’s music video.

It was July of 2023, in which Newsweek reported that a plurality of ‘millennials’ believe that it should actually be a crime to ‘misgender’ people:

More millennials think referring to a transgender person by the wrong pronouns should be a criminal offense than think it should be legal, according to new polling conducted exclusively for Newsweek.

According to the survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, 44 percent of those aged 25-34 think “referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense,” versus just 31 percent who disagree. The remainder “neither agree nor disagree” or “don’t know.”

This view remains popular for those aged 35-44, among whom 38 percent think misgendering should be illegal, whilst 35 percent disagree and 26 percent either don’t know or didn’t express an opinion.

So, among millennials, 64% don’t understand the First Amendment, or apparently just don’t care. Yet I guarantee that large numbers of those same people will scream bloody murder if anyone tramples on their right to support the ‘Palestinians’ in any manner they choose.

This is the tremendous importance of our written Constitution. We’ve been seeing oh-so-nobly-intended people trying to subvert, if not entirely eliminate our Second Amendment rights, for our own good, don’t you know, and the federal government is saying that declining to use someone’s preferred ‘pronouns’ in the workplace is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Well, as Mr Greenwood said, I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. Were I writing this somewhere in the eurozone, heck, writing much of my blog, I’d be in continual danger of being thrown in jail for the tremendous offense of telling the truth. “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell, 1984

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